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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Proving the Business Value of SOA

Proving the Business Value of SOA



Anne Thomas Manes discusses SOA goals and objectives used to measure a system’s success, measuring the business value, SOA project metrics, and recommendations on proving the business value of SOA.


Anne Thomas Manes is a Research Director with Burton Group/Gartner, a research and consulting firm. Prior to joining Burton Group, Manes was founder and CEO of Bowlight, a software industry analyst and consulting firm. A 24-year industry veteran, Manes was chief technology officer at Systinet. She pioneered Sun's Web services strategy and worked at Patricia Seybold Group.

About the conference

The International SOA Symposium is a yearly event that features the top SOA experts and authors from around the world, providing a series of keynotes, talks, demonstrations, panels, and SOA training and certification workshops - all with an emphasis on realizing SOA in the real world.

Recorded at:

Feb 01, 2011