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InfoQ Homepage Articles Using Java to Crack Office 2007

Using Java to Crack Office 2007

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In the last installment, "Office Rich Client Applications", we talked of using the Office 2007 platform as a baseline from which to build rich client applications that interoperate with Java technologies in a variety of different ways. One area of Office/Java interoperability that wasn't covered, however, is probably the oldest means by which Office and Java work together, that of Java applications manipulating Office documents: creating documents, editing them, gathering data out of them, and so on.

Historically, this has always been something of a problem because Office documents (principally Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) were stored in a binary format known to COM developers worldwide as the structured storage format, an intrinsically hierarchical binary format accessed using COM interfaces. While a genuinely useful approach to take for COM developers (and developers working in COM-aware languages, like Visual Basic, Delphi and C++/ATL), the resulting file contents were inaccessible to any language that didn't "speak COM". Workarounds to allow Java access to the contents of these files varied wildly from one application to another; for example, it was well known that Excel could read comma-separated value (CSV) files, so Java applications that wanted to export data into Excel-friendly format would export it in CSV format (an ugly format if ever there was one). Word, of course, could also read Rich Text Format (RTF) files, and the RTF specification was open and somewhat well-documented. Subsequent versions of Office, namely Office 2003, introduced new XML formats unique to itself (such as WordML), which Java developers could use to read or write Office documents, but the formats were not well-documented, and Java developers frequently found themselves learning the WordML format through trial-and-error development. Various open-source projects stepped in to try and mitigate the situation, such as the POI framework from Apache, for reading and writing Excel documents, or various Java-COM solutions suggested that a Java developer could read and/or write Office files using the same structured storage APIs that Office itself used, but that was hardly sufficient, since now a developer had to figure out the internal structure of the Office document format, itself a fairly complex format, and, of course, completely undocumented.

All in all, the Java/Office story was, to put it mildly, a pretty ugly situation. Java developers either put up with it, consoled themselves in a manner highly reminiscent of one of Aesop's Fables by saying that "Office sucks, anyway, why would anyone want to use it?", or simply told their Office-using customers that Java couldn't understand Office because of the Microsoft/Sun lawsuit.

With Office 2007, Microsoft has, without a doubt, made a significant part of these problems "go away". Without anything more complicated than the native JDK itself-in other words, no third-party libraries are necessary-a Java application can now read and write any Office 2007 document, because Office 2007 documents are now nothing more than ZIP files of XML documents. Known as the "OpenXML" specification and submitted to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), the same home under which the C# language and CLI runtime specifications live, the OpenXML specs are available for any and all to download for free at ECMA . Armed with these, an installation of Office 2007 (for verification and some testing), and a standard Java6 JDK installation, Java can now crack open an Office 2007 document, scoop out the juicy middle, manipulate the contents, and re-save the data.

In this article, unlike previous articles, rather than building a simple application, the code will instead use a technique first pioneered by Stuart Halloway, called exploration testing. In an exploration test, developers write unit tests that allow developers to explore the API, verifying the results using the traditional test-assertion semantics of the unit test world. The side benefit of exploration testing, then, is when a new version of the API becomes available-in this case, a new version of Office-the tests can be run against that new version to verify that nothing has changed in the API's usage model.)

For starters, let's just have a quick look at an Office 2007 document. Given a simple Word 2007 document that contains just some plain text, like so:

When saved, Word 2007 saves this as "Hello.docx" unless told to save as a "backwards-compatible" format, namely either WordML from Office 2003, or the older binary structured storage format from Word97. The ".docx" format is the OpenXML format, and, according to Microsoft's own documentation, is a ZIP file of XML documents containing the data and formatting of the document in an analogous fashion to the way the binary structured storage APIs stored data in previous versions of Office. If this is the case, then the Java "jar" utility, which understands ZIP and TAR formats, should be able to display the contents, and sure enough, it does:

The basic structure of the Word 2007 document format is already fairly clear, just from looking at the resulting output. (And the fact that the "jar" utility understands this is, in of itself, exciting, as it means that the java.util.jar and/or packages will also be able to access the contents pretty easily.) Without even cracking any of the specification documents open, it's a fair guess that the core document content will be stored in "document.xml", and the remainder of the XML files will be various supplementary parts, such as the fonts used in the document (fontTable.xml) and the Office theme used (theme/theme1.xml), and so on.

'Tis time to write some exploration tests. (Interested readers are encouraged to fire up the text editor or IDE, and add these to a JUnit 4 test class, and extend the tests as their imagination takes them.) Using JUnit 4, the first test will simply ensure the file is present in the expected location (an obvious requirement if the remainder of the tests are going to work):

@Test public void verifyFileIsThere() {
assertTrue(new File("hello.docx").exists());
assertTrue(new File("hello.docx").canRead());
assertTrue(new File("hello.docx").canWrite());

The next test simply verifies that we can open the file using the Java library's most obvious candidate,

@Test public void openFile()
throws IOException, ZipException
ZipFile docxFile =
new ZipFile(new File("hello.docx"));
assertEquals(docxFile.getName(), "hello.docx");

So far, so good. Java's ZipFile recognizes that the file is, in fact, a zip file, and, if luck holds, will let us iterate through the contents and discover the data inside. Let's write a quick test that iterates through the contents, looking for the "document.xml" file:

@Test public void listContents()
throws IOException, ZipException
boolean documentFound = false;

ZipFile docxFile =
new ZipFile(new File("hello.docx"));
Enumeration entriesIter =
while (entriesIter.hasMoreElements())
ZipEntry entry = entriesIter.nextElement();

if (entry.getName().equals("document.xml"))
documentFound = true;

Strangely enough, though, when run, this test produces a test failure; "document.xml" doesn't seem to be found-this is because, using the ZipFile/ZipEntry API requires the complete directory/file name inside the archive to match. Change the test above to read "word/document.xml", and it passes.

Finding the document is fine; next, let's crack the thing open and look at the XML inside. Doing this is fairly simple, as ZipFile has an API to return the ZipEntry itself by name:

@Test public void getDocument()
throws IOException, ZipException
ZipFile docxFile =
new ZipFile(new File("hello.docx"));
ZipEntry documentXML =

The ZipFile code has the ability to return the contents of the contained entry itself, via the getInputStream() call that returns, not surprisingly, an InputStream. Feeding the InputStream into a DOM factory node will create a DOM of the document itself:

@Test public void fromDocumentIntoDOM()
throws IOException, ZipException, SAXException,
ZipFile docxFile =
new ZipFile(new File("hello.docx"));
ZipEntry documentXML =
InputStream documentXMLIS =
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf =
Document doc =

assertEquals("[w:document: null]",

In fact, the document.xml contents (below, with the namespace declarations removed for clarity) look pretty tame compared to some other XML document formats that support the wide-ranging kinds of formatting that Word needs to support:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<w:document ...>
<w:p w:rsidR="00DE36E5" w:rsidRDefault="00DE36E5">
<w:t>Hello, from Office 2007!</w:t>
<w:sectPr w:rsidR="00DE36E5">
<w:pgSz w:w="12240" w:h="15840"/>
<w:pgMar w:top="1440" w:right="1440" w:bottom="1440" w:left="1440" w:header="720" w:footer="720" w:gutter="0"/>
<w:cols w:space="720"/>
<w:docGrid w:linePitch="360"/>

The full details of what each of these elements mean is beyond the scope of this article, and readers are referred to the OpenXML documentation set for the complete reference, but it's pretty clear that the core piece of the document is the "" element, which contains "p" (paragraph) elements, which contains "r" (text range) elements in turn made up of "t" (text) elements, in which is found the body of the hello.docx document itself, in this case, the single sentence "Hello, from Office 2007!".

Having read the file's contents, now it'd be nice to be able to modify those contents, write the file back, and open it in Word 2007. A quick glance at the ZipFile and ZipEntry API reveals a problem, however: while these classes can be used to read a zip file, they have no facility for writing one.

A variety of mechanisms are available to redress this particular lack. One approach would be to simply write out the XML text to a String, store the String into the document.xml file, and re-zip the entire contents using the ZipOutputStream class. Another approach could be to use a third-party tool (or build one) that can edit the zip contents in place, but this is outside the core JDK itself, so for this article, the ZipOutputStream approach will be the one taken.

A couple of things have to happen in order for all this to take place. First, the Java application must navigate through the DOM hierarchy, find the "t" node, and replace its text content with the message to be sent back to the Word document. ("Hello, Office 2007, from Java6!" seems somehow to be appropriate.) The resulting DOM instance must then be saved to disk, a task that's not easy to do using the Java XML APIs. (In a nutshell, the developer must create a Transformer from the javax.xml.transform package, and do an XML identity-transform to a StreamResult wrapped around a ByteArrayOutputStream.

Once that's all done, the code must then create a new ZIP file, this time using the ZipOutputStream; but because only the contents of the file need to be changed, not the styles, fonts, or formatting, the other components of the original file need to be copied over from the source. A simple loop, iterating through each of the ZipEntries from the source file, copying over the contents (except for "word/document.xml", in which case the contents are the modified byte array) into a new ZipEntry and written to that entry, will suffice. When all is said and done, the code looks like the following:

@Test public void modifyDocumentAndSave()
throws IOException, ZipException, SAXException,
ZipFile docxFile =
new ZipFile(new File("hello.docx"));
ZipEntry documentXML =
InputStream documentXMLIS =
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf =
Document doc =

Element docElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
assertEquals("w:document", docElement.getTagName());

Element bodyElement = (Element)
assertEquals("w:body", bodyElement.getTagName());

Element pElement = (Element)
assertEquals("w:p", pElement.getTagName());

Element rElement = (Element)
assertEquals("w:r", rElement.getTagName());

Element tElement = (Element)
assertEquals("w:t", tElement.getTagName());

assertEquals("Hello, from Office 2007!",

"Hello, Office 2007, from Java6!");

Transformer t =
ByteArrayOutputStream baos =
new ByteArrayOutputStream();
t.transform(new DOMSource(doc),
new StreamResult(baos));

ZipOutputStream docxOutFile = new ZipOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream("response.docx"));
Enumeration entriesIter =
while (entriesIter.hasMoreElements())
ZipEntry entry = entriesIter.nextElement();

if (entry.getName().equals("word/document.xml"))
byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
new ZipEntry(entry.getName()));
docxOutFile.write(data, 0, data.length);
InputStream incoming =
byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 16];
int readCount =, 0, data.length);
new ZipEntry(entry.getName()));
docxOutFile.write(data, 0, readCount);


My apologies for the amount of code displayed there, but in truth, this is one of Java's weakest areas compared to other languages or libraries. Fortunately, the result pays off-the resulting document looks like so:

Obviously a number of things could be done to improve this scenario.

First, a better XML-manipulation library, one that supports XPath out of the box and natively serializing XML DOM structures back to disk, would be a great help in reducing the amount of code here. JDOM, the open-source Java/XML library (available at is an obvious choice. So would XMLBeans from Apache. A corollary to that would be to obtain the schema documents that describe the OpenXML format, and use those to generate a set of Java classes that more closely mirror the OpenXML document format. Then, developers could work with native Java classes, rather than "Document" and "Element" classes.

Second, either of those approaches could be then combined into a more Office-specific API, one that elevates the abstraction layer of working with Word (or Excel, or PowerPoint) documents away from the actual storage of XML and instead focuses on the fact that these are documents that have paragraphs, fonts, and so on. In essence, libraries like POI can and should be updated to reflect the new Office XML format, and ideally will be written to support either the legacy binary structured storage format as well as the new OpenXML format.

Third, Java could use with a small overhaul to its ZIP file support, though again this could be done through a third-party library.

Despite all the cumbersome API calls, however, it's exciting and inspiring to consider how open the Office platform is to the Java programmer. Between the interoperability of using Java within an Office application, using Office within a Java application, and being able to read and write Office file formats from Java, the Office platform is more open to the Java programming community than ever before.

The sample code accompanying this article can be downloaded HERE.

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