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Início Apresentações System Architecture with NoSQL and RavenDB/DocDB

System Architecture with NoSQL and RavenDB/DocDB



In this talk, we'll explore how to build and architect enterprise systems using NoSQL, in particular using the RavenDB Document Database. We will talk about modeling concerns, high availability and scaling out. Also discussed is how to manage a system with polyglot persistence, a complex domain and a high rate of change – all while maintaining speed.


Oren Eini, also know as Ayende, has been awarded Microsoft MVP since 2007 and is the author of Rhino Mocks, one of the most popular mocking frameworks on the .NET platform. He's a leading committer in other well-known open source projects including NHibernate, RavenDB and Castle. Oren is author of "DSLs in Boo: Domain Specific Languages in .NET", published by Manning.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 28 de março e 1° de abril, São Paulo recebeu a nona edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 100 palestras e 13 workshops, totalizando 130 horas de conteúdo, o que levou o QCon São Paulo ao patamar dos maiores QCons mundiais.

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16 nov 2016