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Simple but not simplistic



I will outline the basic design principles that underpin complex work. I will elaborate what that means for gaining sustainable Executive buying to Agile within a organization as a whole along with some practical tools and techniques to support that activity. Think simply, but not simplistically; to sustain the principles of Agile rather than make short term retrogressive compromises.


Dave is the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Cognitive Edge and holds visiting Chairs at several Universities.

A propos de cette Conférence

Le ScrumDay est LE grand rendez-vous annuel de la communauté Agile / Scrum en France. Que vous soyez débutant ou que vous cherchiez à vous perfectionner, les multiples tracks en parallèles de sessions et d’ateliers offriront du contenu pour tous les niveaux.

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17 juin 2016