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InfoQ Homepage News AppFuse 3.0 - Java 7, Spring 4, PrimeFaces, Mockito, Bootstrap 3, Wicket

AppFuse 3.0 - Java 7, Spring 4, PrimeFaces, Mockito, Bootstrap 3, Wicket

AppFuse 3.0 has been released. AppFuse uses the Maven Archetype plugin to generate a starter Java project, which allows you to quickly get started with a full-stack Java EE application. Version 3.0 is using Mojarra and PrimeFaces for its JSF framework and library, Mockito for its test mocking framework, Bootstrap 3 for its front-end framework, and added Apache Wicket as a Web Framework option. It is now using Facelet layouts, has integrated wro4j and WebJars, and has upgraded to Spring Security 3.2 and Spring 4.

AppFuse 3.0 has replaced MyFaces with Mojarra for its JSF implementation, and replaced Tomahawk with PrimeFaces for its JSF component library. It has removed SiteMesh in favor of JSF's built-in layout support. AppFuse 3.0 has migrated from jMock to Mockito for its tests. It has migrated to Bootstrap 3, using Bootswatch's Spacelab theme by default. AppFuse 3.0 has added Apache Wicket as a Web Framework option, using the artifactId appfuse-basic-wicket-archetype. It has integrated wro4j for JavaScript and CSS optimization, and WebJars for handling JavaScript dependencies. Version 3.0 updated all the dependencies to their latest releases, most notably Spring 4 and Spring Security 3.2. AppFuse 3.0 requires Java 7 and Maven 3.

AppFuse 3.0 projects use Bootstrap, jQuery, Maven, Java 7, JSP 2.1, Servlet 3.0, Hibernate or JPA, Spring and Spring Security. You have the option of picking JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2, Tapestry 5, or Wicket for the Web framework. AppFuse comes out of the box with features like Authentication and authorization, User management, Remember Me, Password reminder, Signup and registration, SSL switching, E-mail, Extension-less URLs, File upload, Generic CRUD, IDE support and Cargo and Spring Profiles.

To get started, visit the AppFuse QuickStart Guide. You will need JDK 7 and Maven 3 already installed. MySQL 5 is configured as the default database and can easily be changed. Please note AppFuse Light 3.0 has not yet been released as of this writing.

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