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InfoQ Homepage News QCon London 2017 Committee in Full Swing & Track Announcements Pending

QCon London 2017 Committee in Full Swing & Track Announcements Pending

QCon returns to London for the 11th annual software conference March 6-8, 2017.

The conference organizing committee has been meeting for four weeks now and is set to announce the tracks for QCon London early next week. Tracks exploring lessons leveraging/migrating to public cloud, Operations: AI & Observability, Performance Mythbusting, and Culture at some of the world’s most well known development shops are likely. As always, a heavy focus on Architecture and Senior Developer topics will be confirmed for QCon London. In all, 18 editorial and six sponsored tracks will be featured. That’s roughly 129 technical sessions to choose from.

Tracks, trackhosts, and sessions are selected by a team of engineering leaders and architects from around the software industry. This year’s conference features an organizing committee that includes:

  • Martin Thompson, High Performance Engineer, and previously CTO/Co-Founder @LMAX
  • Fran Bennett,  CEO/Co-Founder Mastodon C & Trustee @DataKindUK
  • Rob Harrop, CEO @Skipjaq, previously Co-Founder @SpringSource
  • Werner Schuster, Kernel Developer @Wolfram_Alpha
  • Peter Morgan, Chief Engineer @SkyBet, previously Head of Developer @WillHillBet
  • Sid Anand, Data Architect @Agari, previously at @Linkedin and @Netflix
  • Charles Humble, Chief Editor of @InfoQ
  • Wesley Reisz, QCon Chair, previously Architect @HPE

QCon London 2016 Top 10 Lists

If you missed them or just want to revisit some of last year’s best talks, you can find the full videos on Here are some of the top talks from last year.

Top 10: Watched Talks Online

  1. Monkeys in Lab Coats: Applying Failure Resting Research @Netflix Peter Alvaro,Kolton Andrus 
  2. Unevenly Distributed Adrian Colyer
  3. #NetflixEverywhere Global Architecture Josh Evans
  4. Real-Time Fraud Detection with Graphs Jim Webber
  5. Staying in Sync: from Transactions to Streams Martin Kleppmann
  6. Engineering You Martin Thompson
  7. Microservices AntiPatterns Tammer Saleh
  8. Making a Sandwich: Effective Feedback Techniques Dan North
  9. DDD and Microservices: At last, Some Boundaries! Eric Evans
  10. Microservices for a Streaming World Ben Stopford

Top Rated: Talks of the Conference

  1. Real-Time Fraud Detection with Graphs Jim Webber
  2. Engineering You Martin Thompson
  3. #NetflixEverywhere Global Architecture Josh Evans
  4. Understanding Hardware Transactional Memory Gil Tene
  5. Making a Sandwich: Effective Feedback Techniques Dan North
  6. Staying in Sync: from Transactions to Streams Martin Kleppmann
  7. The Quest for Low-Latency with Concurrent Java Martin Thompson
  8. Microservices AntiPatterns Tammer Saleh
  9. Realtime Stream Computing & Analytics @Uber Sudhir Tonse
  10. Stream Processing with Apache Flink Robert Metzger

Following QCon London 2016, InfoQ (the creators of QCon) produced a QCon London 2016 Special Report. This article summarizes the key takeaways and highlights from QCon London 2016 as blogged and tweeted by attendees. QCon London 2017 features similar track themes and presentations geared for and delivered by software development practitioners.

QCon London is part of a family of international software conferences that span the globe in places like San Francisco, Beijing, Sao Paulo (Brazil), and New York. In all, QCon brings leading software development practices and techniques to seven cities worldwide. By focusing on senior developers and architects, clearly separating marketing content from editorial, and an average attendee to speaker of around 11 to 1, QCon has developed a reputation as the conference that puts developers first.

Registration is £1,130 ($520 off) for the three-day conference if you register by Oct 29th.

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