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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: Java Operator SDK 5.0, Open Liberty, Quarkus MCP, Vert.x, JBang, TornadoVM

Java News Roundup: Java Operator SDK 5.0, Open Liberty, Quarkus MCP, Vert.x, JBang, TornadoVM

This week's Java roundup for January 27th, 2025, features news highlighting: the GA release of Java Operator SDK 5.0; the January 2025 release of Open Liberty; an implementation of Model Context Protocol in Quarkus; the fourth milestone release of Vert.x 5.0; and point releases of JBang 0.123.0 and TornadoVM 1.0.10.

JDK 24

Build 34 of the JDK 24 early-access builds was made available this past week featuring updates from Build 33 that include fixes for various issues. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

JDK 25

Build 8 of the JDK 25 early-access builds was also made available this past week featuring updates from Build 7 that include fixes for various issues. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

For JDK 24 and JDK 25, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.


TornadoVM 1.0.10 features bug fixes, compatibility enhancements, and improvements: a new command-line option, -Dtornado.spirv.runtimes, to select individual (Level Zero and/or OpenCL) runtimes for dispatching and managing SPIR-V; and support for multiplication of matrices using the HalfFloat type. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Spring Framework

The first milestone release of Spring Cloud 2025.0.0, codenamed Northfields, features bug fixes and notable updates to sub-projects: Spring Cloud Kubernetes 3.3.0-M1; Spring Cloud Function 4.3.0-M1; Spring Cloud Stream 4.3.0-M1; and Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker 3.3.0-M1. This release is based upon Spring Boot 3.5.0-M1. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Open Liberty

IBM has released version of Open Liberty featuring updated Open Liberty features - Batch API (batch-1.0), Jakarta Batch 2.0 (batch-2.0), Jakarta Batch 2.1 (batch-2.1), Java Connector Architecture Security Inflow 1.0 (jcaInboundSecurity-1.0), Jakarta Connectors Inbound Security 2.0 (connectorsInboundSecurity-2.0) - to support InstantOn; and a more simplified web module migration with the introduction of the webModuleClassPathLoader configuration attribute for the enterpriseApplication element that controls what class loader is used for the JARs that are referenced by a web module Class-Path attribute.


The release of Quarkus 3.18.0 provides bug fixes, dependency upgrades and notable changes such as: an integration of Micrometer to the WebSockets Next extension; support for a JWT bearer client authentication in the OpenID Connect and OpenID Connect Client extensions using client assertions loaded from the filesystem; and a new extension, OpenID Connect Redis Token State Manager to store an OIDC connect token state in a Redis cache datasource. Further details on this release may be found in the changelog.

The Quarkus team has also introduced their own implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP) protocol featuring three servers so far: JDBC, Filesystem and JavaFX. These servers have been tested with Claude for Desktop, Model Context Protocol CLI and Goose clients. The team recommends using JBang to use these servers for ease of use, but isn't required.

Apache Software Foundation

Maintaining alignment with Quarkus, the release of Camel Quarkus 3.18.0, composed of Camel 4.9.0 and Quarkus 3.18.0, provides resolutions to notable issues such as: the Kamelet extension unable to serialize objects from an instance of the ClasspathResolver, an inner class defined in the DefaultResourceResolvers, to bytecode; and the Debezium BOM adversely affects the unit tests from the Cassandra CQL extension driver since the release of Debezium 1.19.2.Final. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.


The release of Infinispan 15.1.5 features dependency upgrades and resolutions to issues such as: a NullPointerException due to a concurrent removal with the DELETE statement causing the cache::removeAsync statement to return null; and an instance of the HotRodUpgradeContainerSSLTest class crashes the test suite due to an instance of the PersistenceManagerImpl class failing to start. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Java Operator SDK

The release of Java Operator SDK 5.0.0 ships with continuous improvements on new features such as: the Kubernetes Server-Side Apply elevated to a first-class citizen with a default approach for patching the status resource; and a change in responsibility with the EventSource interface to monitor the resources and handles accessing the cached resources, filtering, and additional capabilities that was once maintained by the ResourceEventSource subinterface. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.


JBang 0.123.0 provides bug fixes, improvements in documentation and new features: the options, such as add-open and exports, in a bundled MANIFEST.MF file are now honored; and the addition of Cursor, the AI code editor, in the list of supported IDEs. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Eclipse Vert.x

The fourth release candidate of Eclipse Vert.x 5.0 delivers notable changes such as: the removal of deprecated classes - ServiceAuthInterceptor and ProxyHelper - along with the two of the overloaded addInterceptor() methods defined in the ServiceBinder class; and support for the Java Platform Module System (JPMS). More details on this release may be found in the release notes and deprecations and breaking changes.


Versions 1.26.0 and 1.25.0 of JHipster Lite (announced here and here, respectively) ship with bug fixes, dependency upgrades and new features/enhancements such as: new datasource modules for PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL and MSSQL; and a restructured state ranking system for modules. Version 1.26.0 also represents the 100th release of JHipster Lite. Further details on these releases may be found in the release notes for version 1.26.0 and version 1.25.0.

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