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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Taking the Red Pill: The Ruby Toolbox to Start You Down the Rabbit Hole

Taking the Red Pill: The Ruby Toolbox to Start You Down the Rabbit Hole



Jamie Wright introduces some of the tools, libraries, and methods used to build a SaaS system in Ruby on Rails.


Jamie Wright is President of Brilliant Fantastic, a software development consulting service provider and an ISV for software management applications. He has over ten years of software development experience in Microsoft technologies and 3 years development experience in Ruby and Ruby on Rails. He blogs at and is currently seeking help for his gadget addiction.

About the conference

Code PaLOUsa is a two-day software development conference to be held March 16 and 17, 2012 at the Marriott Louisville in downtown Louisville, KY. The conference is designed to cover all aspects of software development regardless of technology stack. We will have sessions revolving around Microsoft, Java, and other development platforms; along with the sessions on higher level topics that are platform agnostic. The conference schedule will feature presentations from well-known professionals in the software development community. There will be fifty-five hour-long presentations and panel discussions, plus a keynote each morning of the event.

Recorded at:

Oct 05, 2012