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InfoQ Homepage Presentations What's New in Spring Framework 3.1?

What's New in Spring Framework 3.1?



Jurgen Holler reviews the most important features that came with Spring 3.0, he previews the 3.1 version of the framework planned to have its first milestone release in late November 2010, and he takes a sneak preview at Spring 3.2 which is supposed to support Java 7.


Juergen Hoeller is co-founder of the Spring framework and has been the most active Spring developer since the open source project began from Rod's Interface21 framework back in February 2003. Juergen is an experienced consultant, with expertise in web apps, transaction management, O/R mapping technologies, and lightweight remoting.

About the conference

SpringOne 2GX is a collocated event covering the entire Spring ecosystem and Groovy/Grails technologies. SpringOne 2GX is a one-of-a-kind conference for application developers, solution architects, web operations and IT teams who develop, deploy and manage business applications. This is the most important Java event of 2010, especially for anyone using Spring technologies, Groovy & Grails, or Tomcat. Whether you're building and running mission-critical business applications or designing the next killer cloud application, SpringOne 2GX will keep you up to date with the latest enterprise technology.

Recorded at:

Nov 15, 2010