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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Beyond the Double Bind

Beyond the Double Bind



Patrick Steyaert explores how to integrate (agile) intuition and (agile) reasoning, and provides a common conceptual framework underlying the very different schools of (agile) thought.


Patrick Steyaert is founder of Okaloa. As a creator of Okaloa Flowlab, he teaches and coaches agile thinking (before methods) by making use of business simulations. He is a regular speaker at international conferences. He is an LKU Accredited Kanban Trainer and recipient of the 2015 Brickell Key award for outstanding contribution to the Kanban community.

About the conference

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, is committed to making IT good for society. We use the power of our network to bring about positive, tangible change. We champion the global IT profession and the interests of individuals, engaged in that profession, for the benefit of all.

Recorded at:

Aug 01, 2019