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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Analyzing Social Networks with F#

Analyzing Social Networks with F#



Evelina Gabasova explains how to run a social network analysis on Twitter and how to use data science tools to find out more about followers.


Evelina Gabasova is a machine learning and data science enthusiast. Evelina has used many different languages to implement machine learning algorithms, such as Matlab, R or Python. In the end, F# is her favorite and she uses it frequently for data manipulation and exploratory analysis. She writes a blog on F# in data science at

About the conference

Begun in 2012 this now annual conference hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania brings the best of the developer world to the Baltic's. The overall theme is building stuff, we have a heavy focus on lessons from trenches from the people that were there.

Recorded at:

Apr 22, 2015