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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Erlang Patterns Matching Business Needs

Erlang Patterns Matching Business Needs



Torben Hoffmann shares a number of patterns from Erlang systems, modeled through Object-Process Methodology, discussing their impact on business needs.


Torben Hoffmann has been working with Erlang in Motorola and Issuu as technical architect and developer since 2006. He has talked about his Motorola achievements at Erlang eXchange 2008 and EUC 2010. Before becoming an Erlanger he worked with software quality assurance, process improvement and people management.

About the conference

CRAFT is about software craftsmanship, which tools, methods, practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company, and it is a compass on new technologies, trends.

Recorded at:

Sep 07, 2014