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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Pragmatic Personas: Putting the User back in User Stories

Pragmatic Personas: Putting the User back in User Stories



Jeff briefly reviews the different ways that software is currently built and then describes how to create and use user personas to design and build software that has a better user experience. Jeff walks us through how to collaboratively build a user persona, what a user persona should include, and how to use these personas to write user scenarios that end up as user stories wit.


Jeff Patton has designed and developed software for the past 15 years. Jeff has focused on Agile approaches since working on an early Extreme Programming team in 2000. In particular Jeff has specialized in the application of user experience design practice to improve Agile requirements, planning, and products. Some of his recent writing on the subject can be found at

About the conference

Agile 2009 is an exciting international industry conference that presents the latest techniques, technologies, attitudes and first-hand experience, from both a management and development perspective, for successful Agile software development.

Recorded at:

Dec 23, 2009