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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Between Zero & Hero - Tips & Tricks for the Intermediate-Level Scala Developer

Between Zero & Hero - Tips & Tricks for the Intermediate-Level Scala Developer



Age Mooij shares some tips&tricks for the Scala developer: type aliases, type and class tag, auto-lifted partial functions, nostacktrace, type classes, context bounds, low priority default implicits.


Age Mooij discovered Scala in 2009 after many years of Java development. In that same year he founded the Dutch Scala Enthusiasts user group and started giving Scala Labs workshops. He works for Xebia in the Netherlands as a senior developer and part-time CTO. Age has spoken at a number of conferences, including JFall 2009 and 2011, and GOTO Amsterdam 2012, and local Dutch meetups.

About the conference

Last year was sci-fi themed around The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and the magical ’42’ number. This year we go for charm and a rich history with the Tapis Rouge salons.

Recorded at:

May 10, 2014