Neil Vass
Engineering Manager @Co-Op
Neil Vass has 18 years’ experience in the tech industry, having worked in a variety of roles in software development and delivery management. He’s especially interested in team dynamics, coaching, and helping teams and organizations get focused around the outcomes they want to achieve. Neil is currently an engineering manager at Co-op, helping product teams and stakeholders from across the Co-op collaborate on new products and services. He’s worked with lots of parts of the business, from systems used by food store and funeral home colleagues through to public-facing websites and e-commerce systems. A long time ago, one of Neil’s first ever jobs was also at the Co-op, stacking shelves in a Scottish food store aged 16. Previous experience has been at a mix of working in-house at large organisations - like the BBC, where Neil worked on the CBeebies website and school science campaigns - and as a consultant supporting multiple large client organizations. Some highlights include automating medical image analysis, developing systems to support protein crystallography research, and using force and motion tracking sensors to build a toothbrush tracking application with real-time 3D display to study brushing technique.