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Thomas Jaeger

Profile page created Feb 27, 2012

Sr. Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services, opinions are my own.
Thomas Jaeger blogs at


I’m a Sr. Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), opinions are my own. I’m a passionate, fanatic, software designer and creator. I solve users’ problems by creating software solutions using innovation in the small. My expertise is in understanding users’ problems and translating these challenges into beautiful solutions that make people happy and at the end, makes their lives a little easier. These problems are really opportunities to empower users and eliminate the drudgery. I’m against the status quo. I live against the status quo because, in my opinion, creative and innovative solutions are not created following a linear approach but come, in part, from broad experiences in one’s life and an innovative mind. I’m blessed to have over 27 years of professional software development experience in 10 industries including electronic payment industry, real estate, travel & leisure (cruise industry), retail, medical, dental, automotive, banking, legal, and airline. Because of these vast experiences across so many industries, it allows me to see problems as opportunities and come up with ideas that are not the norm in many cases. Take advantage of my experience and let me guide you with my online courses at: