InfoQ Homepage Relational Databases Content on InfoQ
Ines Sombra on Data Services at Engine Yard
Engine Yard's Ines Sombra discusses state management in the cloud in general, and specific data stores including MySQL, Postgres and some NoSQL alternatives. She also explains why the pets and cattle analogy doesn't work for her, and what need to be done in organisations with respect to trusting people and trusting the infrastructure.
Aviran Mordo on Scaling Wix, Choosing Between MySQL and NoSQL, Scala
Aviran Mordo explains the service oriented architecture behind web hoster WiX, when to choose MySQL vs NoSQL products, introducing Scala, and much more.
Chris Mattmann on Big Data Infrastructure for Scientific Data Processing
Chris Mattmann explains the type and magnitude of data produced in scientific projects like the Square Kilometer Array Telescope, the tools to use for scientific data processing and much more.
Dean Wampler on Scalding, NoSQL, Scala, Functional Programming and Big Data
Dean Wampler explains Scalding and the other Hadoop support libraries, the return of SQL, how (big) data is the killer application for functional programming, Java 8 vs Scala, and much more.
Emil Eifrem on NoSQL, Graph Databases, and Neo4j
Emil Eifrem looks back at the history of Neo4j, an open-source, NoSQL graph database supported by Neo Technology. He describes some real world applications of graphs, domain modelling with graphs, and compares the performance of graph and relational databases. He also examines how Neo4j differs from other NoSQL and graph databases in the market and describes various Neo4j licensing options.
Ian Robinson discusses Service Evolution and Neo4J Feature Design
Ian Robinson discusses Neo4J's design choices for data storage and retrieval, CRUD operations, transactions, graph traversal and searches and HA deployment strategies. He also shares his thoughts on hypermedia controls and the concept of consumer driven contracts for continuous evolution of services.
Michael Hunger on Spring Data Neo4j, Graph Databases, Cypher Query Language
In this interview, Michael Hunger talks about the evolution of persistence technologies over the last decade, the emergence of NoSQL databases, and looks at where graph databases fit in. He describes the goals behind the Spring Data Neo4j project, it's latest developments, and examines Cypher, a humane and declarative query language for graphs.
Rich Hickey and Justin Sheehy about Datastores, NoSql and CAP
Rich Hickey and Justin Sheehy talk about scalability and transactionability of datastores. They explain tradeoffs for achieving read and/or write scalability on top of Datomic and Riak.
Rich Hickey on Datomic: Datalog, Databases, Persistent Data Structures
Rich Hickey explains the ideas behind the Datomic database: why Datalog is used as the query language, the functional programming concepts at its core, the role of time in the DB and much more.
Attila Szegedi on JVM and GC Performance Tuning at Twitter
Attila Szegedi talks about performance tuning Java and Scala programs at Twitter: how to approach GC problems, the importance of asynchronous I/O, when to use MySQL/Cassandra/Redis, and much more.
Bart De Smet on Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET and Javascript
Bart De Smet explains Reactive Extensions (Rx), a library for composing computations over asynchronous event streams of data for .NET and Javascript, the concepts and implementation of Rx and more.
Hilary Mason on and Trending Clickstreams
Hilary Mason, interviewed by Ryan Slobojan, discuss the engineering behind and their use of machine learning in their system architecture. Hilary also talks about their use of MySQL and MongoDB to manage terabytes of information about users and clicks and their implications on performing real-time analysis of anthropology on the human condition.