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  • Unraveling the Enigma: Debunking Myths Surrounding Lambda Cold Starts

    This insightful InfoQ article dispels the common myths surrounding Lambda Cold Starts, a widely discussed topic in the serverless computing community. As serverless architectures continue to gain popularity, misconceptions about Lambda Cold Starts have proliferated, often leading to confusion and misguided optimization strategies.

  • Optimizing Resource Utilization: the Benefits and Challenges of Bin Packing in Kubernetes

    Optimizing Kubernetes usage is an important part of a responsible cloud strategy. Bin packing is an effective strategy for maximizing the usage of each node.

  • The Six Ways of Optimizing WebAssembly

    While Wasm was originally designed for the browser, it turned out to be useful for embedded programming, plugins, cloud, and edge computing. For all these use cases, performance is tremendously important and is greatly impacted by file size. In this article, we’ll look at six ways to optimize Wasm for performance and file size.

  • 3 Easy Solutions to Optimize Images on the Fly

    When pages are slow to load, images are frequently the culprit. The megabyte size of web pages is steadily growing, and images are by far the largest component. In this article, Gilad David Maayan shows how image optimization can be achieved easily and automatically with a few lines of code, using three different cloud services, dramatically improve page load times and bandwidth usage.

  • Improve Your Node.js App Throughput One Micro-optimization at a Time

    To improve the performance of a Node.js application that involves IO, you need to understand how your CPU cycles are spent and what is preventing higher degrees of parallelism in your application. In this article, Jorge Bay shares his insights on areas that cause throughput degradation and tips on how to boost performance.

  • Getting Started with ASP.Net Performance Monitoring and Optimization

    “This web page is slow” is a common and regular complaint about web sites, especially since web applications started replacing desktop applications. While the web brings some desirable characteristics such as global delivery, it also brings its share of challenges at the performance level.

  • Behavioral Analysis for Mobile Apps

    Mobile channels are getting more and more important - not only for companies with focus on technology but also for traditional businesses. Consequently, the concepts of website optimization and customer behavior analysis are being transferred to field of mobile websites and mobile applications. The overall goal is to learn more about customer behavior and to adopt mobile applications to it.

  • Is Your Java Application Hostile to JIT Compilation?

    ​One of the most important parts of the JVM is the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. However, many applications are not written to take full advantage of the high-performance capabilities of the JIT. In this article we investigate some simple tricks to identify issues that may be making your application unfriendly to JIT.

  • Book on Solving Enterprise Applications Performance Puzzles by Leonid Grinshpan

    Performance is one of the most critical attributes for enterprise applications. Even though not mentioned explicitly, properties such as response time or throughput are key issues that decide about user acceptance.Leonid Grinshpan, PhD and Consulting Director at Oracle Corporation, has dedicated his book "Solving Enterprise Applications Performance Puzzles" to this topic.