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Início Apresentações Modern app programming with RxJava and Eclipse Vert.x

Modern app programming with RxJava and Eclipse Vert.x



In this presentation, we will make the case for reactive programming. Then we will guide you through the process of building a real-life web application, based on Vert.x 3 and RxJava2, communicating with databases, external services and modern datastores. You will learn how Vert.x integrates with RxJava, and why its simplicity makes it a perfect runtime for reactive applications.


Thomas Segismont is a Vert.x core team member, specially interested in clustering and monitoring. As a developer for nearly 15 years, he has worked on various projects (finance, tourism, banking, hosting). He joined Red Hat in 2012, initially contributing to the Hawkular time series database. He lives in Marseille, France with his wife and four kids.

Sobre o Evento

Entre 09 e 11 de maio, São Paulo recebeu a décima primeira edição brasileira do QCon. Organizado pelo InfoQ Brasil e com palestras selecionadas por um comitê independente, esta edição contou com 3 keynotes, 86 palestras e 92 palestrantes.

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04 mar 2019