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InfoQ Homepage Automation Content on InfoQ

  • Bridgecrew's Yor Provides Automated Tagging for Infrastructure as Code

    Bridgecrew recently released Yor, their open-source tool for automated infrastructure as code tagging. Yor automatically adds tags to infrastructure configurations which are then applied to the running cloud resources, simplifying connecting the active resources back to the code that created them. Yor currently supports Terraform, CloudFormation, and Serverless.

  • The Road to Quarkus 2.0: Continuous Testing

    Quarkus continues its effort to make Java enterprise applications as efficient as possible, both from the perspective of its run time, resources, start and terminate time and now also from the development of applications. Quarkus 2.0 will enrich its dev mode with the continuous testing capability. Stuart Douglas, the senior principal engineer working on it, provides us with an overview.

  • IBM Introduces Watson Orchestrate for Task Automation

    At the recent Think conference, IBM introduces an AI-powered automation tool called Watson Orchestrate. It is currently in preview in IBM Cloud Paks for Automation and expected to be generally available later in 2021 as an SaaS offering.

  • Google Announces General Availability of the Automation Capability for Appsheet

    Recently, Google announced the general availability of AppSheets Automation, an additional capability to AppSheet, the company’s no-code development platform. With Automation, customers can automate repetitive tasks and business processes.

  • GitLab Protocol Fuzzer CE Now Open-Source

    GitLab has open-sourced the core protocol fuzz testing engine it has been using since its 13.4 release. Fuzz testing aims to more effectively find security issues and flaws in business logic by passing randomly generated inputs to an app. InfoQ has spoken with GitLab principal product manager Sam Kerr to learn more.

  • Using Machine Learning in Testing and Maintenance

    With machine learning, we can reduce maintenance efforts and improve the quality of products. It can be used in various stages of the software testing life-cycle, including bug management, which is an important part of the chain. We can analyze large amounts of data for classifying, triaging, and prioritizing bugs in a more efficient way by means of machine learning algorithms.

  • GitLab 13.9 Introduces Security Alerts Dashboard, Maintenance Mode, and More

    The latest release of GitLab introduces over 60 new features, mostly aimed at improving support for DevSecOps at scale and better handling the complexity of automation at scale.

  • HashiCorp Terraform Adds Concise Diff Formatter and Sensitive Data Obfuscation

    Hashicorp has released Terraform 0.14 into general availability. The release introduces a new concise diff format that limits the output to only the elements that are changing. Other improvements include the ability to hide sensitive data and produce lockfiles for provider dependencies.

  • New Rust-Based JavaScript Tool Manager to Simplify CLI Management with Global Installs

    Volta, a new JavaScript tool manager, recently released its first stable version. Volta installs CLI tools globally while locally storing version information. Like nvm for Node, Volta enables having multiple versions of the same tool installed, without having to worry about switching versions when switching projects. Rust-based Volta ships as a native, fast binary with no external dependencies.

  • Google Open-Sources Python Fuzzy Testing Tool Atheris

    Google recently announced the open-sourcing of a new fuzzy testing engine for Python. The new fuzzer, Atheris, strives to find bugs in Python code and native extensions. Atheris can be used in combination with the Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer tools that detect memory corruption bugs and undefined behavior (e.g., buffer overflows, misaligned or null pointers).

  • What's New in MicroProfile 4.0

    Delivered under the newly-formed MicroProfile Working Group, the much anticipated release of MicroProfile 4.0 was made available to the Java community. Features include alignment with Jakarta EE 8 and updates to all APIs. The standalone APIs remain unchanged. MicroProfile 4.0 was delivered with incompatible changes to five of the APIs, namely Config, Fault Tolerance, Health, Metrics and OpenAPI.

  • AWS Announces Cloudshell, a Browser-Based Shell to Interact with AWS Resources

    During the annual re:Invent, AWS introduced a Linux terminal available from the AWS console called AWS CloudShell. With CloudShell, operation teams and developers at customer organizations can access AWS resources with AWS-enabled shell prompt in a browser.

  • The Challenges of End-to-End Testing of Microservices

    Microservices work well with independent teams who have end-to-end responsibility and use an automated CI/CD pipeline. Ensuring software quality through end-to-end testing can conflict with rapidly integrating and releasing software components. If an end-to-end test fails, the CI/CD pipelines of all involved microservices are blocked until the problem causing the test to fail is solved.

  • AWS Now Offering Mac Mini-Based EC2 Instances

    Announced at re:Invent 2020, AWS new EC2 Mac Instances enable running macOS on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute to build, test, package, and sign Xcode applications for Apple platforms, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Safari.

  • Puppet Releases Its 2020 State of DevOps Report

    The State of DevOps Report 2020 released by Puppet reveals that internal platforms for self-service and effective change management practices were key for organizations to move up the DevOps evolution ladder. Security integration in the software delivery pipeline also plays a key role.