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InfoQ Homepage Automation Content on InfoQ

  • New Rust-Based JavaScript Tool Manager to Simplify CLI Management with Global Installs

    Volta, a new JavaScript tool manager, recently released its first stable version. Volta installs CLI tools globally while locally storing version information. Like nvm for Node, Volta enables having multiple versions of the same tool installed, without having to worry about switching versions when switching projects. Rust-based Volta ships as a native, fast binary with no external dependencies.

  • Google Open-Sources Python Fuzzy Testing Tool Atheris

    Google recently announced the open-sourcing of a new fuzzy testing engine for Python. The new fuzzer, Atheris, strives to find bugs in Python code and native extensions. Atheris can be used in combination with the Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer tools that detect memory corruption bugs and undefined behavior (e.g., buffer overflows, misaligned or null pointers).

  • What's New in MicroProfile 4.0

    Delivered under the newly-formed MicroProfile Working Group, the much anticipated release of MicroProfile 4.0 was made available to the Java community. Features include alignment with Jakarta EE 8 and updates to all APIs. The standalone APIs remain unchanged. MicroProfile 4.0 was delivered with incompatible changes to five of the APIs, namely Config, Fault Tolerance, Health, Metrics and OpenAPI.

  • AWS Announces Cloudshell, a Browser-Based Shell to Interact with AWS Resources

    During the annual re:Invent, AWS introduced a Linux terminal available from the AWS console called AWS CloudShell. With CloudShell, operation teams and developers at customer organizations can access AWS resources with AWS-enabled shell prompt in a browser.

  • The Challenges of End-to-End Testing of Microservices

    Microservices work well with independent teams who have end-to-end responsibility and use an automated CI/CD pipeline. Ensuring software quality through end-to-end testing can conflict with rapidly integrating and releasing software components. If an end-to-end test fails, the CI/CD pipelines of all involved microservices are blocked until the problem causing the test to fail is solved.

  • AWS Now Offering Mac Mini-Based EC2 Instances

    Announced at re:Invent 2020, AWS new EC2 Mac Instances enable running macOS on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute to build, test, package, and sign Xcode applications for Apple platforms, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Safari.

  • Puppet Releases Its 2020 State of DevOps Report

    The State of DevOps Report 2020 released by Puppet reveals that internal platforms for self-service and effective change management practices were key for organizations to move up the DevOps evolution ladder. Security integration in the software delivery pipeline also plays a key role.

  • Microsoft Releases Playwright Cross-Browser End-to-End Test Runner

    Microsoft released (in preview) a dedicated test runner for Playwright, its test automation tool. The Playwright test runner provides zero-config cross-browser end-to-end testing for web apps, Jest-like assertions, and built-in support for TypeScript. The new test runner leverages Folio, a customizable test framework to build higher-level test frameworks.

  • Mock Service Worker Library Enables Resilient REST and GraphQL API Testing

    The Mock Service Worker (MSW) API mocking library allows developers to test web applications without using an actual back-end, setting up a mocking server, or stubbing native http/https/fetch implementations. MSW mocks both Rest and GraphQL APIs. MSW received the JavaScript Open Source Awards this year.

  • Cypress 5.x Adds Test Retries and Shadow DOM Support

    Cypress, a browser-based test runner and dashboard, recently introduced native support for test retries in the Cypress 5.0 release, helping developers avoid intermittent test failures. Other recent Cypress advances include networking stubbing and shadow DOM support.

  • GitHub's OpenAPI Spec Open-Sourced in Beta

    GitHub has open sourced an OpenAPI description of its API. Aimed to allow developers to discover the API capabilities first-hand, GitHub's OpenAPI also enables the programmatic creation of mock servers, test suites, and language bindings.

  • Brenda - an Artificial Intelligence Team Member

    Brenda uses artificial intelligence with machine learning to monitor the infrastructure, do quality assurance checks and support troubleshooting, handle alerts and communicate critical issues, and apply auto-healing. Sree Rama Murthy Pakkala and Collin Mendons from Swisscom will talk about an AI/ML framework named Brenda, who helps their teams to increase quality at Swiss Testing Day 2020.

  • OverOps Releases Second Annual DevOps Survey

    In their recent survey, OverOps, a continuous reliability platform vendor, found that within DevOps investment initiatives, organizations invest the most towards enabling the constant flow of software development. The survey also revealed that automated code analysis is being adopted more as engineering teams embrace cutting-edge technologies and practices.

  • Puppet Relay Provides Event-Driven Automation for Common Workflows

    Puppet has announced the beta release of Relay, their event driven automation platform. Relay allows for automating processes as code. There are a number of pre-written workflows and there is support for creating additional workflows. Relay has a number of integrations available for use in workflows including AWS, Kubernetes, Azure, PagerDuty, and GitHub.

  • Applying Observability to Ship Faster

    To get fast feedback, ship work often, as soon as it is ready, and use automated systems in Live to test the changes. Monitoring can be used to verify if things are good, and to raise an alarm if not. Shipping fast in this way can result in having fewer tests and can make you more resilient to problems.