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  • Performance Analysis for Arm vs x86 CPUs in the Cloud

    In this article, the author uses AWS’s Arm (Graviton2) and x86_64 (Intel) EC2 instances to evaluate computational performance across different software runtimes, including Docker, Node.js, and WebAssembly. Our conclusion is that Arm is more cost effective in the cloud, especially with lightweight runtimes that are close to the underlying operating system.

  • A First Look at Java Inline Classes

    Java currently supports only two types of value: primitives and object references. Project Valhalla extends this by introducing inline classes which are a new form of type that exhibit some behaviors of both. These new types open the door to better alignment with modern CPUs and considerable potential performance improvements for Java applications.

  • Benchmarks Don't Have to Die

    Are tracing and profiling the future of performance engineering outside of the fast-moving JavaScript community? Do all benchmarks have a shelf-life? In this article, Matt Fleming talks about benchmarks and what keeps the good ones alive and why others die. By adapting benchmarks, they can live forever.

  • Improve Your Node.js App Throughput One Micro-optimization at a Time

    To improve the performance of a Node.js application that involves IO, you need to understand how your CPU cycles are spent and what is preventing higher degrees of parallelism in your application. In this article, Jorge Bay shares his insights on areas that cause throughput degradation and tips on how to boost performance.

  • Benchmarking JVM Concurrency Options for Java, Scala and Akka

    Michael Slinn examines how to benchmark JVM concurrency options for JVM-based langauges including Java and Scala.

  • WebSphere vs. .NET: IBM and Microsoft Go Head to Head

    After carrying out a number of benchmarks, Microsoft concluded that .NET offers better performance and cost-performance ratio than WebSphere. IBM rebutted Microsoft’s findings and carried out other tests proving that WebSphere is superior to .NET. Microsoft responded by rejecting some of IBM’s claims as false and repeating the tests on different hardware with different results.