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  • Stories of Scrum Adoption in China

    This recent inquiry, by InfoQ China editor Jacky Li, looked at five very different cases of Scrum adoption in China, which got different results. He asked: Why did you use Scrum? How did you adopt it? What problems did you encounter, and why did it succeed or fail? Despite the small sample size, it's an interesting comparison, pointing out that improvement doesn't ensure success.

  • Understanding Business Value

    Aside from "Agile" itself, "Business Value" may be one of the most widely used buzzwords around the floors of any fresh agile project. But, how many of these projects actually have a good understanding of what they really mean when they're saying it? Joe Little presents his thoughts on this very question.

  • Does TDD Really Ensure Quality?

    Analysis of a recent study by the National Research Council of Canada's Institute of Technology into Test Driven Development turned up some interesting observations regarding the value that this approach adds, including whether, in fact, it adds any more value to the quality process than testing after development.

  • How to prepare your 2008 SOA budget?

    Some voices in industries have started to warn about the ROI of SOA initiatives which have proven to be often long and complex. As many still see reuse and flexibility as a major competitive asset, they might still wonder, as they prepare their 2008 budget, where to start? How to quickly demonstrate value? How to increase our maturity over time? Where do we source our skills?

  • Ruby x Agile: The shift from machine-performance to human-performance

    This article is the second in the Ruby x Agile series, a set of six short videos exploring the relationship between Ruby and Agile methodologies, featuring Ruby creator Yukihiro Matsumoto.

  • Target Process Agile PM Tools v2.3 Released

    The TargetProcess planning and tracking toolset is evolving quickly. Since release 2.0, they have added Test Cases bound to User Stories and Test Plans, Subversion Integration for requirement-to-source code and defect-to-source code visibility, People Allocation Management and a public Web Services API, making v2.3 a more attractive solution for large Agile shops.

  • Gender Gap Continues to Increase in IT: Gartner

    A recent Gartner report on the gender gap in IT states that although many feel that women are "innately better suited than men" to navigate the new global economy, they are not choosing to enter IT - and some are leaving. Gartner predicts that by 2012, 40% of women in the IT workforce will leave traditional IT career paths.

  • Network Computing Reader Poll: Drop the Buzzwords, Deliver the Goods

    Over 700 IT managers responded to the 2007 Network Computing Readers' Survey, many of whom reported frustration with the internal strife and snake-oil salesmanship of technology vendors. Respondents recommended that vendors stop "promising capabilities that aren't there", and "address actual business problems, rather than chasing buzzwords."

  • How does Agile Development Shape Up in 2006? The VersionOne Survey

    VersionOne Software this autumn conducted a global "State of Agile Development" survey, showing that changing requirements and priorities, and time-to-market are drivers in the move to Agile adoption. Companies of all sizes were represented, up to the large global corporations, and every industry vertical, from financial services, health care, and education to video games, government, and defense.

  • Agile PMs Get it Right the Last Time

    In his Gantthead article, "Get It Right the Last Time: Developing an Agile Attitude," Doug DeCarlo challenged project managers to ditch the counter-productive "get-it-right-the-first-time" philosophy practiced for so long by so many. Instead, he has proposed some Agile attitudes to help managers think differently about what counts.

  • Agile Tooling Survey - What Is Your Team Using?

    Pete Behrens of TrailRidge Consulting wants to know what kind of tooling Agile teams are using, and not just software engineering tools: also requirements management, project management, acceptance testing and remote collaboration software. This is a quick, vendor-independent survey.

  • Study: Co-Located Teams vs. the Cubicle Farm

    Many trainers agree that co-location is essential to really see the benefits of Agile, but proof of this has been largely anecdotal. On the ScrumDevelopment list recently, an interesting conversation was launched when a member pointed out a study conducted at a Fortune 50 auto maker, comparing productivity gains in collaborative workspaces versus traditional cubicle culture projects.

  • Why 1994 and 1998 CHAOS Stats Differ Widely

    Jim Johnson, creator of the CHAOS Chronicles on project failure, answers a question outstanding after our August interview: How does he explain the amazing change in cost overrun from 189% in 1994 to 69% in 1998? Apparently Standish planned to publish a CHAOS report in 1996 but held it back due to these unexpected results. Johnson shares what their research revealed happened.

  • Survey: Leaders Say Agile Has "Crossed the Chasm"

    Diana Larsen leads a lot of retrospectives... So, it's not surprising that, when she asked herself "Where is Agile going now?" her response was to run a retrospective of her own. She found that leaders in our community are convinced: Agile methods have "crossed the chasm" to become a respectable alternative for managing and working in software projects. InfoQ brings you this exclusive article.

  • Presentation: Agile Project Management Planning and Budgetting

    What happens to planning when teams "self organize"? Agile methods are empirical: plan it, do it, evaluate, plan again. David Hussman reviews practices for planning a project, release, iteration.