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InfoQ Homepage Clojure Content on InfoQ

  • Donkey: a Highly-Performant HTTP Stack for Clojure

    Donkey is the product of the quest for a highly performant Clojure HTTP stack aimed to scale at the rapid pace of growth we have been experiencing at AppsFlyer, and save us computing costs. In this article, we’ll briefly outline the use-case for a library like Donkey and present our benchmarks. Finally, we will discuss Clojure and immutability, and some of our design decisions.

  • Java InfoQ Trends Report—September 2020

    This article provides a summary of how the InfoQ editorial team currently sees the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the Java space in 2020. We focus on Java the language, as well as related languages like Kotlin and Scala, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java-based frameworks and utilities.

  • Java InfoQ Trends Report - July 2019

    The InfoQ Java trend report provides an overview of technology adoption and commentary on how we see the Java and JVM-related space evolving in 2019. Key developments include the release of Java 13, the rise of non-HotSpot JVMs and the evolution of GraalVM, and the changing landscape of Java microservice frameworks.

  • Rewriting an API Gateway Service from Clojure to Golang: AppsFlyer Experience Report

    AppsFlyer processes nearly 70+ billion HTTP requests a day, and is built using a microservices architecture style. The entry point to the system that wraps all of the frontend services is a mission-critical (non-micro) service called the API Gateway. This article is an experience reporting of migrating from a Clojure-based gateway to a newly designed Go-based implementation.

  • The Future of Java in the Enterprise - InfoQ’s Opinion

    As part of ongoing work to review InfoQ’s editorial focus for the next year, we’ve been looking at the Java landscape in some detail. This article summarises our view of Java's role in the enterprise

  • Article Series: Getting a Handle on Data Science as a Software Developer

    Software developers and managers are realizing that they need data science among their skills, to be able to tackle pressing problems. In this series, field experts provide guidance to help us navigate among the available data analysis options. They explore ways of understanding where data science is needed and where it’s not, and how to turn it into an asset.

  • Data Science up and down the Ladder of Abstraction

    Although Clojure lacks the extensive toolbox and analytic community of the most popular data science languages, R and Python, it provides a powerful environment for developing statistical thinking and for practicing effective data science.

  • Clojure in Action, Second Edition, Review and Authors Q&A

    Clojure in Action, written by Amit Rahore and Francis Avila, is an essential, thorough, and well organized introduction to Clojure 1.6 that explores the core parts of the language while introducing the reader to Clojure's pragmatic and idiomatic nature. InfoQ has spoken with Francis Avila to learn more about his book, Clojure's advantages, and its future.

  • Clojure Recipes Review and Q&A

    Addison Wesley’s Clojure Recipes is a new book that aims to help developers to get deeper into Clojure, moving from a generic understanding of the language features and syntax to setting up more complex projects that integrate external libraries. The book contains a collection of "weekend" projects targeting web client and server apps, implementing DSLs, using Datomic, Cascalog, Hadoop, etc.

  • Virtual Panel on Reactive Programming

    Reactive programming is a very hot topic: InfoQ asked three proponents of reactive programming how their libraries and frameworks achieve reactiveness and what this means for the developer. The participants are Viktor Klang (Akka), Timothy Baldridge (Core.Async), and Jafar Husain (RxJava).

  • DevOps @ Nokia Entertainment

    DevOps@Nokia Entertainment is the first article of the “DevOps War Stories” series. Each month we hear what DevOps brings to a different organisation, we learn what worked and what didn’t, and chart the challenges faced during adoption.

  • Book Excerpt and Interview: The Joy of Clojure

    The Joy of Clojure by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser is a book that tries to take the reader beyond the language syntax, and show how to write fluent, idiomatic Clojure code. It teaches how to approach programming challenges from a Functional perspective and master the Lisp techniques that make Clojure so elegant and efficient.