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InfoQ Homepage Cloud Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Airbnb Open Sources Ottr: a Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework

    Airbnb announced that it has open-sourced Ottr, a serverless public key infrastructure framework developed in-house. Ottr handles end-to-end certificate rotations without the use of an agent. Ottr's primary design goal is to be a scalable and configurable serverless framework on AWS with little operational overhead or reliance on enrollment protocols.

  • Cockroach Labs Announces CockroachDB Serverless

    Cockroach Labs announced today the public beta of CockroachDB Serverless. CockroachDB Serverless delivers a fully elastic cloud data infrastructure that enables building applications with less planning for capacity, performance, or availability. It's based on CockroachDB, a NewSQL database that seeks to combine the scalability of NoSQL systems with ACID guarantees of a traditional database system.

  • Lightbend Announces Akka Serverless Open Beta

    Lightbend today announced the launch of Akka Serverless open beta, with general availability later this year. Akka Serverless is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that aims at cloud-native application development. It is built on Lightbend's Akka Platform technology and delivered via a model similar to existing serverless offerings.

  • Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) v1.0 Announced

    The Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) team announced today that Dapr v1.0 is now available and is considered production-ready. Dapr is an open-source runtime that allows developers to build resilient, microservices-based applications that run on the cloud and edge. With the v1.0 release, developers can deploy Dapr applications to Kubernetes clusters in production scenarios.

  • BBC Online Uses Serverless to Scale Extremely Fast

    In a series of blog posts published recently, BBC Online's lead technical architect explains why BBC Online uses serverless and how they optimize for it. According to the author, BBC Online uses AWS Lambda for most of its core implementation due to its ability to scale extremely fast. When a breaking news story erupts, traffic can increase 3x in a single minute and then keep rising after that.

  • AWS Announces Chaos Engineering as a Service Offering

    AWS has announced the upcoming release of their chaos engineering as a service offering. The Fault Injection Service (FIS) will provide fully-managed chaos experiments across a number of AWS services. The service includes pre-built templates that generate disruptions mimicking common real-world events. It can be integrated into CI pipelines via API.

  • HashiCorp Vault Adds Tokenization and Auto-Join Features

    HashiCorp has released Vault 1.6, adding new features to their secrets and identity management platform. Cloud auto-join facilitates automatically attaching new Vault nodes to the cluster. The transform secrets engine now supports tokenization to better secure data stored outside of Vault. Additional features include integration with key management services and support for seal migration.

  • Microsoft Introduces the Azure Well-Architected Framework

    In a recent blog post, Microsoft introduced the Azure Well-Architected Framework, which provides customers with a set of Azure architecture best practices to help them build and deliver well-designed solutions.

  • Experience Running Spotify’s Event Delivery System in the Cloud

    Event delivery is a key component at Spotify; the events contain important data about users, actions they take, and operational logs. After running the event delivery system in the cloud for 2 ½ years, Bartosz Janota and Robert Stephenson have written a blog post discussing what they have achieved and how they have been able to evolve and simplify the system by moving up the stack in the cloud.

  • Characteristics of Serverless Architecture

    Too much of the current literature dealing with serverless architecture is driven by cloud providers and focuses only on the benefits, Wisen Tanasa writes in a recent blog post. When a new technology emerges, it's important to understand the implications of adopting it, and Tanasa therefore tries to give a better, more objective understanding of the traits of serverless architecture.

  • Kyma 1.0 Released, Simplifying Integrating Enterprise Applications with Cloud-Native Services

    The first major release of Kyma, an open-source project designed to simplify building cloud-based and on-premise enterprise applications, is now available. Kyma provides components to simplify connecting existing and new applications with Kubernetes and expose them via the Kubernetes Service Catalog, with out-of-the-box support for monitoring, logging, eventing, tracing, and authentication.

  • Eoin Woods on Democratising Software Architecture at ICSA 2019

    Last month in ICSA 2019 in Hamburg, Germany, Eoin Woods, CTO at Endava, gave a speech about how we can democratise software architecture. Starting from a historical perspective, Woods described how software systems have evolved in the past three decades. In the 80’s we were all using monolithic architectures, which evolved into distributed monoliths in the next decade...

  • Designing and Building a Resilient Serverless System: John Chapin at QCon London

    In a presentation at QCon London 2019, John Chapin explained the basics of serverless technologies and how to architect and build a resilient serverless system. He also ran a demo of a how a globally distributed, highly available application can be built and run in multiple regions on AWS.

  • Google Announces Task Queue Service Cloud Tasks

    Google has announced Cloud Tasks, a task queue service for Google Cloud Platform’s App Engine service. Cloud Tasks enables asynchronous execution of tasks from applications, decoupling services and supporting the implementation of long-running and background activities.

  • How to Achieve a Resilient Architecture

    To manage systems at scale you must push your system almost to the breaking point, but still be able to recover – and embrace failures, Adrian Hornsby writes in two blog posts sharing his experiences from working with large-scale systems for more than a decade, and the patterns he has found useful.