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  • The Art of Creating Whole Teams: how agile has changed the way we work with our customers

    Angela Martin earned her PhD examining how agile methods work in practice and what is different about this way of working. She shares some of the key practices which organisations can implement to increase their likelihood of successful cultural change through creating Whole Teams - truly cross functional collaborative teams working well together to deliver products which meet customer's needs

  • The Accidental Agilist: A Personal Look Back at 10 Years of the Agile Manifesto

    Johanna Rothman reflects on her journey to pragmatic agility. She discusses the way in which agile practices work together to improve project outcomes, and how this is not restricted to software development. She challenges teams to embrace the transparency that agile brings and stop talking about becoming agile and start doing it properly.

  • Reflections on the 10 Years Since the Agile Manifesto

    Mike Cohn reflects on the changes in software development over the last 10 years, as agile has gone from fringe to mainstream and his hopes that we will move from seeing agile as something different or special, to being simply the way we work. In the same way that the Magna Carta influences our lives without being in the forefront of thinking so the Agile Manifesto should fade into the background

  • Agile 10 Years On

    James Coplien looks from the hacker culture of the 1960s, through objects in the 1980s and forward to the future to put the Agile Mainfesto in context of the 20 year cycle of fashion and change. He argues against mindless adherence to a particular set of rules and tools and for carefully thought out application of good practices that support the production of good quality software products.

  • A Personal Reflection on Agile Ten Years On

    Stephen J Mellor was one of the original signatories of the Agile Manifesto. He attended the Snowbird meeting “as a spy” with but found himself agreeing with most of what was being said and became a proponent of Agile techniques and emphasizes the value of modelling in the Agile world. We rarely see the words “agile” and “model” in the same sentence, but they are not at all in conflict.

  • Submissions and Reviews in the Agile2011

    Chris Matts who has been part of the Agile Conference submission review team gives advice to submitters of Agile 2011 candidate sessions on how improve their changes of acceptance. Chris also provides advice to session reviewers of Agile 2011, the largest annual Agile event.

  • A Tester's Learning Journey

    The software industry is changing fast. More and more teams put testing up front and center; they use tests to drive development. In this article, Lisa Crispin talks about how her attitude and curiosity have shaped her career and kept her passion for testing software fresh.

  • Bringing in Social Content to Custom Applications with Apache Shindig

    This article discusses how an OpenSocial implementation, Apache Shindig, can be used to alleviate some commonly-encountered issues with implementing OpenSocial gadgets. Topics covered include the OpenSocial standard, Shindig architecture, how Shindig can be used to bring social networking content to an application, and usage of Shindig for OpenSocial enablement of the Gypsii social network.

  • Building Scalability and Achieving Performance: A Virtual Panel

    Join our industry-heavyweight (eBay, Betfair, FiveRuns and Twitter) panel as they explore the cost of making their sites as scalable as possible, whilst tuning to get the most performance they possibly can. They explore the pros-and-cons of making their apps as awesome as possible - all the while under the pressure of their business requirements.

  • AgileAdvert Video Winners Announced

    At Agile2007's Google reception, the audience voted to make the (very sad) clip "Developer Abuse" the number 1 video, thereby making "Matthew" (name changed to protect the innocent) this year's AgileAdvert famous Agilist. Five more videos were also recognized, sporting singing, dancing, a beating, "outside the box" thinking, expletives (deleted), and charming children (not all in one video!)