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  • Microservices — the Letter and the Spirit

    Microservices to be a pattern of ‘decoupled services’ managed to get the best out of it (the underlying understanding of the pattern (‘small’ vs ‘decoupled’) forces developers to take certain design decisions that are consistent with these objectives. In this article discuss we will discuss well and poor implementations: ‘small-services’ vs ‘decoupled-services’ or ‘Letter’ vs the ‘Spirit’.

  • Overriding Sealed Methods in C#

    In this article, the author demonstrates how we can change the behavior of sealed methods in C#. This can be done by understanding Operating System mechanisms and how the .NET platform generates and compiles code. The author illustrates these techniques using real-world scenarios, including the modification of the WinPAI wrapper.

  • Anomaly Detection Using ML.NET

    In this article, the author introduces the concepts of Anomaly Detection using the Randomized PCA method. The theory behind the concepts is explained and exemplified. The method is demonstrated with a real-world scenario implemented using C# and ML.NET.

  • Records in C# 9

    In this article, Tugce Özdeger talks about Records, a new reference type introduced in C# 9 that provides built-in functionality for encapsulating data. The article shows the potential benefits and advantages of using records and how developers can use them in their applications, with code examples and comparisons with classes and structs.

  • Present and Future of Xamarin Community Toolkit: Q&A with Gerald Versluis

    Xamarin.Forms is evolving into .NET MAUI; the Xamarin Community Toolkit is also preparing for the transition. In this Q&A, InfoQ decided to interview Gerald Versluis. He is a software engineer at Microsoft from the Netherlands. In this interview, we will talk about Xamarin Community Toolkit, MAUI transition, and their future roadmap.

  • The Fundamentals of Testing with Persistence Layers

    Mocking out dependencies such as databases and other persistence layers leads to ineffective tests. Unfortunately, our industry is also focused on function-level testing to the exclusion of all else, so few are trained on how to write any other type of test. This article seeks to correct the issue by reintroducing the concept of testing with databases.

  • Kotlin at Ten. Interview with JetBrains’ Roman Elizarov

    JetBrains unveiled Kotlin in July 2011, aiming to create a modern, general-purpose programming language running on the JVM as well as on the Web. Kotlin has quickly seen huge adoption, especially for Android app development. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with Kotlin project lead at JetBrains Roman Elizarov to learn more about the origins of the language and its future.

  • The Excel Formula Language Is Now Turing-Complete

    The Excel team announced LAMBDA, a new feature that lets users define and name formula functions. LAMBDA functions admit parameters, can call other LAMBDA functions and recursively call themselves. With LAMBDA, the Excel formula language is Turing-complete: user-defined functions can thus compute anything without resorting to imperative languages (e.g., VBA, JavaScript).

  • Applying Lean Tools and Techniques to Scrum

    This article focuses on some of the challenges that Scrum is facing and how Lean can be a complementary approach. Lean is often misunderstood as a heavyweight process when in fact it is a philosophy, one that is grounded in continuous improvement. The topic of waste, a central theme that Lean helps focus on, shows us that Scrum can be improved upon.

  • Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability

    At QCon plus, a virtual conference for senior software engineers and architects covering the trends, best practices, and solutions leveraged by the world's most innovative software organizations, Elizabeth Carretto discussed observability at Netflix and how their internal tool, Edgar, comes into play.

  • Building Latency Sensitive User Facing Analytics via Apache Pinot

    At QCon, a virtual conference for senior software engineers and architects covering the trends, Chinmay Soman talked about how you can use Apache Pinot as part of your data pipelines for building rich, external, or site-facing analytics.

  • Software Engineering at Google: Practices, Tools, Values, and Culture

    The book Software Engineering at Google provides insights into the practices and tools used at Google to develop and maintain software with respect to time, scale, and the tradeoffs that all engineers make in development. It also explores the engineering values and the culture that’s based on them, emphasizing the main differences between programming and software engineering.