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InfoQ Homepage Continuous Deployment Content on InfoQ

  • Shifting-Left Testing with Mabl DevTestOps Platform

    Corresponding to the ideas of "test early, test often" and "test as early as possible" in the development lifecycle, shift-left testing is a well-known approach. Recently, the combination of shift-left testing and CI/CD is fueling a new approach to DevOps dubbed DevTestOps. InfoQ has spoken with Dan Belcher, co-founder at DevTestOps platform maker mabl.

  • Go as a Scripting Language

    Go's growing adoption as a programming language that can be used to create high-performance networked and concurrent systems has been fueling developer interest in its use as a scripting language. While Go is not currently ready out of the box to be used as a replacement for bash or python, this can be done with a little effort.

  • Reimagining CI/CD Pipelines as Composable Blocks with Bryan Liles

    Bryan Liles, senior staff engineer at VMWare, talked at the DeliveryConf about ideas of patterns and recommendations when building CI/CD pipelines. Liles recommends thinking about CI/CD as patterns instead of implementations, like merely using Jenkins or Spinnaker. It should be possible to build a platform with composable blocks with replaceable components and agnostic to a technology stack.

  • NGINX Releases Controller 3.0 with Major Redesign Providing Consolidated Application View

    NGINX announced the release of NGINX Controller 3.0, their control-plane solution to manage the NGINX data plane. The 3.0 release sees a full redesign of Controller moving it into an "app-centric experience" that allows for interacting with the infrastructure at the application level. This includes a full configuration API, a role based self-service portal, and a built in certificate manager.

  • How to Embrace “You Build It, You Run It” with Paul Hammant at QCon London

    Paul Hammant talked at QCon London about having developers responsible for the first line of support in production, as the saying goes, “if you build it, you run it.” Hammant recommends following this practice only if there are proper support levels and escalation policies defined. As a result, companies could reduce the chances of burnout or staff quitting.

  • Amazon Releases CLI v2, Includes SSO and Interactive Usability Features

    In a recent blog post, Amazon announced the general availability (GA) of AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) v2. Within this version of the CLI, features such as AWS Single Sign-On (SSO), interactive wizards, server-side auto completion and auto prompts are included. In addition, having Python installed is no longer a pre-requisite and the CLI is supported on Windows, Linux and macOS.

  • CircleCI Introduces New Orbs to Simplify Deployment Activities

    CircleCI recently announced the availability of Deployment Orbs which focus on streamlining and simplifying the integration of deployment workflows into CircleCI jobs. This release includes orbs for deploying into common environments such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Kubernetes, and Salesforce.

  • Improving Continuous Integration at Dropbox Using Bazel

    Benjamin Peterson recently shared how Dropbox leverages Bazel to improve their build and deploy experience. Using Bazel, Dropbox was able to scale their continuous integration and deployment pipelines to ensure quick feedback on commits. They achieved this by running only the affected tests within a grouping of commits and selectively pre-declaring which tests are gating to deployments.

  • How Deploying Every Feature Branch Enables Fast Product Feedback

    Pushing the boundaries of continuous delivery, you can fundamentally change the way people collaborate while building software. Christian Uhl presented at DevOpsCon Munich 2019 how deploying every feature branch using GitLab and Kubernetes helps them to get fast feedback from product owners and stakeholders.

  • Heroku's Journey to Automated Continuous Deployment

    Heroku's engineering team wrote about their journey from manual deployments to automated continuous deployments for Heroku Runtime, their managed environment for applications. They achieved this using Heroku primitives and a custom deployer tool.

  • Traefik 2.0 Supports TCP, Middleware, and New Routing Features

    The release of version 2.0 for the cloud native edge router Traefik introduces support for TCP routing, request middleware, canary deployments and A/B testing, and a new dashboard and web UI. The latest release provides more tools for developers to configure and manage routes, and improved cluster visibility.

  • Digital Factory on a Global Scale: Scaled Agile and DevOps at UBS

    UBS is rolling out a scaled agile setup globally in Switzerland, India and the APAC region. Christian Bucholdt, head IT of digital factory management at UBS, spoke at Agile Leadership Day 2019 about their Digital Factory approach and how it will change the entire delivery organization.

  • GoDaddy Releases Automatic Canary Deployments Tool for Kubernetes

    GoDaddy recently released an open-source tool to automate gated deployments in Kubernetes. Every time a deployment happens, the tool can run regression tests, and pull metrics from data backends like New Relic. After some time, the tool decides whether to roll back or continue with the deployment automatically. Users can run A/B tests and run experiments with a small portion of live traffic.

  • Reducing the Friction in Multi-Cloud Deployments, Pulumi Launches 1.0 Platform

    In a recent blog post, Pulumi has announced the release of Pulumi 1.0, an Infrastructure as Code platform that allows organizations to reduce the challenges associated with managing multiple cloud deployments. Their solution includes using consistent tooling based on popular programming languages like TypeScript, JavaScript, Python and Go.

  • CircleCI Adds New Sumo Logic Integration to Provide Build Pipeline Analytics

    CircleCI and Sumo Logic have released an integration to allow developers to view analytical data about CircleCI jobs from within a Sumo Logic dashboard. This integration is packaged using the CircleCI package management solution, Orbs. The integration includes real-time pipeline data such as number of failed builds, average run time, and job status.