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  • Terracotta open sources JVM clustering

    Terracotta today open sourced their JVM clustering solution under MPL-based license. Terracotta turns single-node, multi-threaded apps into distributed multi-node apps with no code changes. Also open sourced are customizations for clustering Spring Application contexts and HTTPSessions. The VC-backed Terracotta is switching from a commercial license model to a service & support model.

  • Clustering Lucene with TerraCotta

    Engineers at TerraCotta have detailed a new way to cluster Lucene, the popular text search library from Apache. Their method involves implementing the Lucene RAMDirectory interface and using TerraCotta DSO to share the RAMDirectory across JVMs.

  • Terracotta Releases Clustering for Spring

    Terracotta, Inc. recently released their new Terracotta for Spring product which provides high-availability and high performance clustering to applications written using the Spring framework. Terracotta for Spring integrates at the configuration file level reducing the need for developers to make changes to their code to enable clustering support.

  • Terracotta releases free 4 node Tomcat Session Clustering

    JVM clustering vendor Terracotta has released for free use their Terracotta Sessions for Tomcat. The product is based on their distributed shared objects (DSO) product which uses a hub and spoke architecture and can synchronize changes across nodes at the field level (instead of serialization). The license allows projects with up to 4 nodes in their cluster to use it for free.