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InfoQ Homepage Event Driven Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Storm Applied Review and Q&A with the Authors

    Storm is a distributed, fault-tolerant, real-time computation system that was originally developed at BackType and later open sourced by Twitter. Storm Applied is a new book from Manning that aims to provide a practical guide on using Storm, both in a development and in a production setting. InfoQ has spoken with two of the book’s authors, Sean T. Allen and Matthew Jankowski.

  • Real-Time Stream Processing as Game Changer in a Big Data World with Hadoop and Data Warehouse

    This article discusses what stream processing is, how it fits into a big data architecture with Hadoop and a data warehouse (DWH), when stream processing makes sense, and what technologies and products you can choose from.

  • Large Scale Event Tracking with RabbitMQ

    A developer and publisher of free-to-play web and mobile games, Goodgame Studios leverages events to track their players' behaviors. Due to the volume of their events, Goodgame Studios uses RabbitMQ and cloud technologies to capture this event data for further processing.

  • Exchanging Industry Experiences with Agile Methodologies

    The Agile Consortium Belgium, Sirris and Agoria organized an event to share experiences with agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, visual management, XP, DSDM and Lean. An interview about the different agile methodologies that were covered, on using agile for innovation and how events where organizations share their experiences can help the industry to adopt agile practices.

  • Reactive Cloud Actors: An Evolvable Web of Events

    Reactive Cloud Actors are an utilization of Carl Hewitt's Actor model which can be used to leverage the power of modern distributed systems. This article demonstrates an implementation of Reactive Cloud Actors, considering a complex business scenario that is delivered in an elegant and thoughtful solution.

  • Exposing CQRS Through a RESTful API

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern that segregates reads and writes of a system into two separate models. We propose and demonstrate an approach for building a RESTful API on top of CQRS systems. This approach joins HTTP semantics and resource-based style of REST APIs with distributed computing concerns such as eventual consistency and concurrency.

  • There is a Cowboy in my Domain! - Implementing Domain Driven Design Review and Interview

    Implementing Domain Driven Design, has brought clarity to an important but little understood area of software design. As a measure of Software Design literature, Vaughn's work is educational and fun. With real world code samples and sage advice, IDDD guides the reader through the sometimes murky waters of DDD and helps them gain the insight required to start a DDD journey of their own.

  • Getting Started with Shuttle Service Bus

    Shuttle Service Bus is a .NET open source framework providing distribution support for command and event messaging useful in building an EDA system. This article introduces Shuttle and a case study of its use in production.

  • Asynchronous, Event-Driven Web Servers for the JVM: Deft and Loft

    Asynchronous, event-driven architectures have been gaining a lot of attention lately, mostly with respect to JavaScript and Node.js. Deft and Loft are two solutions that bring "asynchronous purity" to the JVM.

  • A Discussion with Allard Buijze on CQRS with the Axon framework

    The Axon framework is a Java implementation of the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. InfoQ talked with its creator, Allard Buijze, to find out more.

  • Using SEDA to Ensure Service Availability

    A new strategy for incorporating event driven architecture for scalability and availability of services in the context of SOA. These strategies are based on queuing research pioneered for the use of highly abailable and scalable services, initially in the Web context, but moving into the SOA and Web services context. Actual implementation is described in the context of Mule.