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InfoQ Homepage Governance Content on InfoQ

  • SOA Governance - Long-Term SOA Implementation and Management

    In this article, Wolfgang Keller explores the challenges in SOA adoption and discusses the commonalities and differences of SOA governance to overall IT governance. He discusses why SOA initiatives frequently get bogged down, and how the anchoring of SOA in an IT governance can help make SOA a success.

  • Roles in SOA Governance

    To make sure SOA succeeds, many vendors, analysts, consultants and practitioners agree that Governance is a critical ingredient for a successful SOA initiative. This article explores a potential set of roles for successful SOA Governance, the roles of "SOA Domain Architect", "SOA Platform Architect", "Service Designer", "Business Service Owner", and "Technical Service Owner".

  • Service Oriented Architecture Governance: The Basics

    In this article, MomentumSI's Ed Vazquez explains the basics of SOA governance, with an explicit focus on the need for a holistic SOA governance model, shared governance principles and the difference between (and the need for both) tactical and strategic efforts.