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  • Hibernate Object Mapping for NoSQL Datastores

    Emmanuel Bernard, the developer behind Hibernate Validator, Hibernate Search, among others, recently announced the birth of Hibernate OGM. The new framework's goal is to provide a common interface for NoSQL datastores using JPA constructs. InfoQ spoke to Bernard to find out more about the framework.

  • Introducing NHibernate 3.0

    NHibernate 3.0 is the first major release of the popular ORM in over a year. With the release it has changed the CLR version to .NET 3.5. This allows the creation of the QueryOver API, while replaces the string-based ICriteria expressions with strongly typed lambda expressions. This is in addition to the built-in LINQ provider.

  • The Latest NHibernate Developments

    The latest NHibernate developments include: the release of NHibernate 3.0.0 Alpha 1, NHibernate Profiler supporting NHibernate 3.0, and HQL Language Service for Visual Studio.

  • LLBLGen Pro 3.0 Now Supports Multiple Persistence Frameworks

    LLBLGen Pro is an ORM tool which supports multiple persistence frameworks: LLBLGen Pro Runtime, Entity Framework, NHibernate and LINQ to SQL. Other new features are: support for .NET 4.0, model-first or database-first development mode, model view, project validation.

  • Debate: Comparing NHibernate and EF 4

    Recently, a post by Oren Eini (a.k.a. Ayende Raheim) touched off a debate around the respective merits and capabilities of NHibernate and Entity Framework 4.0, two .NET-based Object/Relational Maping frameworks. InfoQ explored this debate in more detail to understand some of the perspectives which were given.

  • ORM Profiling Tools for the .NET Platform

    Sadly the terms “ORM” and “performance problems” often travel together. By hiding the underlying SQL from the developers, ORMs can offer a huge productivity boost. Unfortunately they also make it easy to generate ridiculously bad queries without realizing it. And without stored procedures to cross reference, finding the offending code without an ORM-specific profiler can be quite tricky.

  • Fluent NHibernate Has Been Released as 1.0 RC

    James Gregory, the owner of the Fluent NHibernate project, has announced his project has reached the 1.0 milestone and it is currently a Release Candidate.

  • NHibernate LINQ Provider Released

    NHibernate Linq 1.0 has been released. Based on the stable provider from NHibernate Contrib, NHibernate Linq 1.0 is a LINQ provider that supports most operations available through the NHibernate criteria query API.

  • 23 .NET Open Source Projects

    Eric Nelson, a Developer Evangelist for Microsoft and Technical Editor of MSDN UK Flash, has compiled a list of 23 .NET open source projects mostly based on recommendations sent by UK developers. Other great projects did not make it into the list, while Microsoft’s contribution include: ASP.NET MVC, DLR, IronRuby, IronPython, MEF.

  • Easy Persistent Entity Transfers

    Often times when transferring persistent entities outside of the JVM you must strip off persistence related information or modifications. Gilead, formerly Hibernate4GWT, aims to ease that process and handle the heavy lifting.

  • NHibernate Mappings In-Depth

    Ayende Rahien have posted 13 blog posts describing the different NHibernate mappings in detail with examples. Ayende is one of the contributors to NHibernate, the creator of NHibernate Profiler and have been using NHibernate for many years.

  • Article: A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture

    In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.

  • Fluent NHibernate Has a Wiki

    Fluent NHibernate is an alternative to using XML mappings in NHibernate. Fluent NHibernate is using a fluent interface allowing you to define mappings in code instead of XML. Some people in the community have complained about the lack of documentation for Fluent NHibernate and as a response James Gregory recently announced the official Wiki for Fluent NHibernate.

  • Hibernate Search 3.1 Supports Dynamic Search Analyzer and Query Time Performance Improvements

    The latest version of Hibernate Search, an open source domain model search framework from Hibernate group, supports a declarative and dynamic search analyzer model as well as indexing and query time performance improvements. Hibernate Search development team recently announced the release of Version 3.1 of the search framework. The new version also provides new features focused on usability.

  • Envers Joins Hibernate

    Envers is an open-source project from JBoss which has recently been added under the Hibernate umbrella.