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  • WPF on Mono? It is a matter of funding.

    Miguel de Icaza, founder of the Mono project, says that support for Windows Presentation Foundation on Mono is possible, but would require funding for 15 to 20 developers over a period of two to three years. As an alternative he proposes using other toolkits, but they too need community support.

  • Going Beyond the Standard: Continuations in Mono

    While Mono usually strives to follow the C# and Common Language Infrastructure specifications, it does occasionally go beyond them. While some features such as SIMD support are backwards-compatible with .NET, runtime supported continuations are exclusive to Mono.

  • SGen: Mono’s Generational Garbage Collector

    Mono had a dirty little secret. Until recently it used the portable but woefully inaccurate Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector. After two long years of work Mono is making the shift to a new generational garbage collector that is specific to the CLR and far more precise than anything they’ve had before.

  • Mono Releases Mono Packager for Mac

    Earlier this week, the Mono folks released the Mono Packager for OSX and refreshed the MonoMac library and templates. Developers can now create self-contained Mono applications which can be distributed via the Apple App Store.

  • MonoDroid Bridges .NET with Android

    MonoDroid brings the whole Mono VM to Android, enabling .NET developers to write applications for Google’s mobile OS. Developers now can write applications targeting iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7.

  • MonoDevelop is the Third IDE for F#

    MonoDevelop has become the third IDE to support Microsoft’s F# language. With .NET support essentially dead on the Eclipse IDE and WebMatrix being targeted for causal developers, it is likely to be the last IDE to add support for it in the foreseeable future.

  • A Mono Update

    Last week Miguel de Icaza published a long post listing all the work the Mono team at Novell has been doing since the move to GitHub in July 2010. Much of the new work has been around language development and MonoDevelop improvements.

  • .NET’s Platform Divergence Problem

    For many years the platform dependency issues in .NET we very easy to understand. Almost everything people used was marked as either compatible with .NET Compact Edition or with the full edition. Aside from .NET Micro, which hardly anyone used, there wasn’t much else to worry about. But now that there is over a dozen active frameworks to choose from, the situation has grown quite complex.

  • LLVM 2.8 Released

    The LLVM team yesterday released LLVM 2.8, the low-level virtual machine infrastructure that includes a next-generation C/C++ compiler, optimiser, and run-time. In addition, the LLVM also sports a VMKit for CLR and JVM runtime and is used in tools as diverse as MacRuby and Python's Unladen Swallow. Additionally, the recently-released Mono 2.8 has a mono-llvm runtime. So what's new in LLVM 2.8?

  • EffiProz: A Cross-Platform Embedded Database for .NET Programmers

    EffiProz is an embedded database written entirely in C# that can has both a disk-based and a memory-only mode. This has allowed its developers to port it to most environments that have CLR including .NET Compact, Mono, Windows 7, and Silverlight. The next version will extend this to mobile platforms.

  • Mono Compatibility Report for Microsoft Biology Foundation

    Microsoft Biology Foundation describes itself as “a language-neutral bioinformatics toolkit built as an extension to the Microsoft .NET Framework, initially aimed at the area of Genomics research.” Currently it targets .NET 4.0, but support for other platforms is planned.

  • Infragistics Offers an ASP.NET Toolkit Targeting both Windows and Linux

    Infragistics’ NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 2 contains an ASP.NET toolkit that runs both on Windows and Linux via Mono. The toolkit contains a number of new controls: WebScriptManager, WebRating, WebExcelExporter, WebCaptcha.

  • MonoMac Brings C# Development to Mac OS

    The Mono team has created a binding for Cocoa API, one of the major application environments for Mac OS, facilitating developers the possibility to write C# applications for Apple’s operating system.

  • MonoTouch.Dialog Makes Creating Simple iPhone Dialogs Easier and Faster

    In order to simplify iPhone development using MonoTouch, Miguel de Icaza has developed two new abstraction layers over UITableView. These abstraction layers give developers the option to use a declarative syntax based on attributes or an imperative model based on nested controls.

  • MonoTouch Has Added Support for Apple’s iPad

    Within 24 hours of the announcement of the new iPad tablet from Apple, the MonoTouch team has released MonoTouch 1.9 (alpha), which is focused on helping developers to write .NET application for the iPad.