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InfoQ Homepage ORM Content on InfoQ

  • Don’t jump the SQL ship just yet

    The SQL language has been evolving steadily over the last two decades. At the same time, the verbosity caused by the JDBC API in Java client code and the lack of first class SQL support within the Java language have led to the introduction of ORMs such as Hibernate, which was later standardised into JPA and the Criteria API.If SQL and JPA are diverging, where will our data interaction patterns go?

  • Book Review: Building Applications with the Android SDK, 2nd Edition

    The Android Developer’s Cookbook: Building Applications with the Android SDK, 2nd Edition is a collaborative effort by Ronan Schwarz, Phil Dutson, James Steele and Nelson To. The authors have succeeded in providing a solid reference book. A book for mobile app developers that can serve as an authoritative guide for newbies and intermediate to expert devs for creating awesome mobile apps.

  • Refactoring Legacy Applications: A Case Study

    To refactor legacy code, the ideal is to have a suite of unit tests to prevent regressions. However it's not always that easy. This article describes a methodology to safely refactor legacy code.

  • arrayDB, a New and Easy PHP ORM

    Most ORM libraries make you write a new class for each item you want to keep in the database. Extending this and that for no apparent reason is repetitious and capricious. Using techniques that can be applied to most languages, arrayDB looks at simplifying the whole process by doing away with statically defined classes.

  • Using Entity Framework to Successfully Target Multiple Databases

    Yevhen Shchyholyev discusses some of the problems that the user may face in the process of developing an application with Entity Framework that interacts with Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite as well as SQL Server. It is intended to be useful to both developers using one of these databases for the first time as well as for those who regularly interaction with multiple databases.

  • Micro ORMs with Sam Saffron and Rob Conery

    Opinions about ORMs vary widely. Some see it as an essential tool for simplifying data access while others claim it greatly increases complexity while robbing applications of much needed performance. Sam Saffron and Rob Conery have found a middle ground in what’s known as a Micro ORM.

  • Pieter van Zyl on Benchmarking ORM Tools and Object Databases

    OO7J is a Java version of the original OO7 benchmark (written in C++). This project includes benchmarking Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tools. Currently there are implementations for Hibernate on PostgreSQL, MySQL, db4o and Versant databases. InfoQ and Roberto V. Zicari from ODBMS.ORG recently interviewed Pieter van Zyl, creator of the OO7J benchmark.

  • Revving Up Your Hibernate Engine

    This article explores tuning techniques for Hibernate-based applications, focusing on tuning topics that are effective but poorly documented, such as inheritance mapping, second level cache and enhanced sequence identifier generators. It also provides some background database information which is essential for tuning Hibernate.

  • Scala & Spring: Combine the best of both worlds

    Based on a concrete example with Scala, Spring and JPA the article explains how to enhance Spring with Scala’s powerful concepts such as implicit conversions and traits. Moreover, it shows how the gap between a Java based framework and Scala can smoothly be bridged.

  • MicroORM - A Dynamically Typed ORM for VB and C# in about 160 Lines

    Using the new DLR features in VB 10 and C# 4 you can build a configuration-free ORM that works well with legacy stored procedures. Though accessed using normal object-dot-property syntax, all the data objects are built at runtime based solely on the information returned by the database. And this is done with no interfaces to define, classes to implement, or data mapping definitions to write.

  • A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture

    In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.

  • Performance Anti-Patterns in Database-Driven Applications

    In this article, Alois Reitbauer, a Performance Architect for dynaTrace Software, specifies several architectural anti-patterns which can downgrade an application’s performance. Knowing those anti-patterns and proactively designing the application to avoid them will keep away certain snags that can impact application’s performance.