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  • Code Contracts are Making Slow Progress

    Code Contracts are making slow progress towards being ready for production use. While the technology still shows a lot of initial promise, it doesn’t take long to run into a road block or six that makes them unusable in their current form.

  • Metrics for Ruby With Caliper

    Caliper calculates various metrics – for example code duplication and complexity – for your Ruby code; all you need is a public Git repository.

  • NewRelic RPM 2 Adds Java Support for Performance Monitoring

    NewRelic just released RPM 2, the latest version of their performance monitoring software. RPM, which is available as SaaS (Software as a Service) now supports monitoring Java web/JEE applications as well as Ruby on Rails applications. We talked to NewRelic's Lew Cirne about the new release.

  • Bill Pugh Releases FindBugs 1.3.9

    Bill Pugh has released FindBugs 1.3.9, the latest update to the popular Java static analysis tool. The latest release adds 12 new bug detectors and continues to work on improving the effectiveness of FindBugs as a tool for developers working with large code bases, a trend which will continue with the 2.0 release expected later this year.

  • Ruby Static Analysis Tools Roundup: metric_fu, Simian, Saikuro and More

    Code quality tools for mainstream languages have reached a certain level of maturity, but tools for Ruby are still growing and become more important as Ruby spreads from early adopters to the early majority. InfoQ takes a look at the available code quality tools in the Ruby space.

  • Spec# and Boogie Released on CodePlex

    The source code for Spec# is now available on CodePlex under the Microsoft Research Shared Source License Agreement (non-commercial use only). It’s code verification tools, named Boogie, has been released under the Microsoft Public License, which conforms to Free/Open Source standards.

  • Fisheye and Crucible Add "Social Networking"

    The latest releases of Fisheye 2 (source code repository browser) and Crucible 2 (code review) from Atlassian offer a completely revamped UI, one that allows developers to follow the team (a kind of social networking) as well as follow the work. Crucible 2 also supports the idea of "iterative code review."

  • Code quality for teams

    Jaibeer Malik has posted an introduction of how to address and introduce code quality within a team. His series of posts may suite you if you are in a situation where you have to either learn more yourself or introduce these ideas to others. The series provides a brief overview of the topic and gives pointers in different directions of where to go to study more.

  • SQL Enlight T-SQL Analyzer

    SQL Enlight is a tool designed to expedite and facilitate T-SQL development through code analysis and templating. SQL Enlight integrates into MS Visual Studio and SQL Management Studio.

  • The Future of ParseTree

    The current Ruby 1.9.1 doesn't have the required features to allow ParseTree's runtime features to work - which means some libraries that depend on those features won't work. Examples are Merb's action arguments or heckle. We take a look at the state of ParseTree - and how ruby_parser is a possible way out.

  • Presentation: Ruby.rewrite(Ruby)

    In this RubyFringe talk, Reginald Braithwaite shows how to write Ruby that reads, writes, and rewrites Ruby. The demos include extending the Ruby language with conditional expressions, new forms of evaluation such as call-by-name and call-by-need, and more.

  • Interview: Yehuda Katz Explains Merb

    In this interview from RubyFringe, Yehuda Katz talks about the design principles behind Merb and its focus on a stable API. Yehuda also mentions Yard, an RDoc replacement, which provides a simple way to define contracts for Ruby methods.

  • Static Code Analysis for T-SQL

    Static code analysis, long neglected on the Windows platform, has been becoming more and more import in the last few years. This hasn't gone unnoticed by database developers, who thanks to Ubitsoft can now analyze T-SQL just like .NET developers analyze managed code.

  • Performance Monitoring Roundup: Rails Core and New Relic Cooperate, FiveRuns TuneUp Supports Merb

    NewRelic announced a cooperation with the Rails Core team to improve Rails performance. An opt-in feature allows to make performance data available to the Rails Core team, which can use it to figure out Rails bottlenecks in real world Rails apps. Also: FiveRuns' TuneUp performance monitoring tools now supports Merb.

  • NewRelic Offers Free Rails Monitoring, Adds New Features

    NewRelic now offers their Rails performance monitoring (RPM) Lite product free of charge for all Rails users. A host of new features were added to the various commercial versions of RPM.