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InfoQ Homepage QCon San Francisco 2008 Content on InfoQ

  • Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices

    In this interview, Greg Young talks about managing state transitions in a Domain-Driven Design project using two separate models, one for reading data from datastore and the other for write-only command operations. He also discussed Command Query Separation to keep the design cleaner and easier to test and maintain and the best practices that developers can use when working on DDD projects.

    Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices
  • Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Ian Robinson discusses REST vs. WS-*, REST contracts, WADL, how to approach company-wide SOA initiatives, how an SOA changes a company, SOA and Agile, tool support for REST, reuse and foreseeing client needs, versioning and the future of REST-based services in enterprise SOA development.

    Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA