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InfoQ Homepage Scaling Content on InfoQ

  • Building a Scalable Minimum Viable Product

    Scalability should be considered when developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). An MVP needs to be technically scalable and you need to have a plan on how to scale quickly when your MVP attracts many users and becomes successful. Knowing your possible performance bottlenecks and using common sense while developing your MVP will get you very far, says Erik Duindam, CTO at Unboxd.

  • Scaling Teams to Grow Effective Organizations

    When organizations are growing fast it can be a challenge to keep them sane and to achieve what you actually want to achieve by hiring more people: getting more done. Alexander Grosse talked about how you scale teams to build an effective organization at Spark the Change London 2016. He explored the five domains of scaling teams: Hiring, People Management, Organization, Culture, and Communication.

  • Becoming a Responsive Enterprise

    Software-driven companies are taking over the world because they are responsive organizations, built on 'sense and respond' instead of 'plan and predict'. In the next decade every large scale organization will be digitized and will effectively become a software-driven enterprise. Vikram Kapoor, CEO at Prowareness, explored how organizations can increase their responsiveness.

  • Scaling Stateful Services

    Caitie McCaffrey, distributed systems engineer at Twitter, talked about the benefits of stateful services which are less known than their stateless counterparts in the industry and how they can be scaled at the Strange Loop conference. The benefits include data locality and higher availability and stronger consistency models. McCaffrey also gave real world examples of stateful services.

  • Jelastic Joker 4.0 released with Advanced Docker Features

    Jelastic, a PaaS and container based IaaS provider, released Joker (Jelastic + Docker) 4.0 with advanced Docker features including horizontal scaling for containers, support for stateful containers with live migration and Docker volumes. The company has made improvements to Docker’s core technology to achieve the features in the Joker release.

  • Scaling the Stack Overflow Monolithic App by Obsessing Over Performance

    At QCon New York 2015, David Fullerton presented a deep-dive into the monolithic C# / MS SQL architecture that powers the Stack Overflow website, which handles over 4 billion requests per month. Fullerton argued that by focusing on performance, scalability was included ‘almost for free’; and that by minimising the number of external application services, the need to pay ‘SOA tax’ has been avoided.

  • Embracing HR Practices to Support Agility

    David Dame, enterprise agility change agent and organizational coach, describes scaling engagement agility in the context of HR practices.

  • David Dame Describes Scaling Engagement Agility

    David Dame, enterprise agility change agent and organizational coach introduced scaling engagement agility in his recent blog. He says that instead of process scaling, think of engagement scaling.

  • Lessons Learned From Scaling Services at Google and eBay

    Randy Shoup shared his experiences to the QCon London audience in scaling services at Google and eBay, giving advice on building and operating services. A successful services strategy requires end-to-end service ownership, decentralized decision-making and standardization efforts focused on protocols of communications and supporting infrastructure.

  • Achieving a Learning Culture that Supports Scaling Agile

    When you want to scale agile you have to view it as “a way of doing things, a mindset and a culture for the whole company” says Christoph Mathis. To scale agile you need to change the culture to achieve a learning organization.

  • Scaling Agile with the Disciplined Agile Delivery Framework

    The Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) framework is a process decision framework with end-to-end strategies for delivering solutions. InfoQ interviewed Mark Lines about the deploying the Disciplined Agile Delivery framework, how it support continuous delivery and DevOps, how DAD relates to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).

  • Scaling Agile: Frameworks and Experiences

    The Agile Consortium Belgium together with UNICOM is organizing the Scaling Agile for the Enterprise 2015 congress in Brussels, Belgium. InfoQ interviewed Arie van Bennekum and Jan de Baere from the Agile Consortium about activities organized by the Agile Consortium, issues that the software industry is facing with agile scaling and stories from enterprises that have successfully scaled agile.

  • Becoming a Continuous Learning Organization

    Software Development is often considered to be knowledge intensive, therefor organizations look for ways to enable continuous learning. “We need learning organisations and they start with learning individuals” says Marcin Floryan. Individual learning can be difficult and scaling individual learning even more challenging. What can organizations do to become a continuous learning organization?

  • Docker + Apache Brooklyn = Clocker

    Clocker, an open source project, enables users to manage and auto-scale Docker containers, in a cloud-agnostic manner. The project is built on top of Apache Brooklyn, a multi-cloud application, management software.