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  • A Case for WinForms

    When DevExpress released their roadmap for 2011, WinForms barely got a mention. As a ten year old technology that is basically abandoned by its creator this isn’t too surprising. But what it interesting the amount of negative feedback that generated. A lot of DevExpress’s customers just don’t see WPF or Silverlight as a viable replacement for their major applications.

  • Silverlight 4 Updates Improves Network Latency, Memory Usage

    Earlier this week Microsoft released an update to Silverlight that addresses several key issues in the platform. The most notable of these is a 90% improvement in network latency and a solution to the memory leaks caused by inline data templates.

  • Moonlight 4.0 Preview 1 Has Been Released

    Moonlight 4.0 Preview 1 includes all the Silverlight 3.0 API and a part of Silverlight 4.0 API. New features include: Out-of-Browser, GPU-accelerated graphics, 3D transformation, shaders, V4L2 video capture, H.264 and AAC, and better smooth streaming.

  • Accessing Windows 7 Features from Silverlight

    Microsoft has released a library exposing Windows 7 features – sensors, speech, devices, taskbar, touch – to Silverlight Out-of-Browser applications running with elevated trust.

  • A Mono Update

    Last week Miguel de Icaza published a long post listing all the work the Mono team at Novell has been doing since the move to GitHub in July 2010. Much of the new work has been around language development and MonoDevelop improvements.

  • Silverlight 5 Timeline And Lots of Questions

    Yesterday Microsoft announced the timeline for Silverlight 5 in 2011 at the Silverlight FireStarter event. Silverlight 5 will be in beta the first half of 2011 and ship early in the second half of 2011. Developers quickly began posting impressions and many questions.

  • Prism 4 Final Released

    Karl Shifflett released the final release of Prism 4 to MSDN on November 12. Simultaneously, Karl also published the first installment of a series of multimedia training that is consumed within Visual Studio 2010 called, In the Box.

  • Moonlight Leaps Ahead of Silverlight with Hardware Accelerated Pixel Shaders

    Recently David Reveman added significant amounts of hardware rendering to Novel’s Moonlight. This puts it in the lead over Silverlight, offers only a limited amount of hardware rendering support.

  • Silverlight Is for the Client, HTML5 for the Web

    After saying about Silverlight that “our strategy has shifted” at PDC 2010, Bob Muglia attempted to clarify what he meant. Steve Ballmer and Tim Heuer also commented on Silverlight, trying to reassure the community on Microsoft’s commitment to Silverlight, but also pointing to the fact that HTML5 is the solution for cross-platform development, leaving Silverlight to the client and Windows Phone.

  • A DSL for Multi-touch Gestures

    As part of the TouchToolkit, Frank Maurer and Shahedul Huq Khandkar have created a DSL for multi-touch gestures. The language is in a declarative style with two sections. The first section, labeled “validate”, contains the rules used to determine if a specific gesture is being performed. The second section contains the return values for the gesture.

  • .NET’s Platform Divergence Problem

    For many years the platform dependency issues in .NET we very easy to understand. Almost everything people used was marked as either compatible with .NET Compact Edition or with the full edition. Aside from .NET Micro, which hardly anyone used, there wasn’t much else to worry about. But now that there is over a dozen active frameworks to choose from, the situation has grown quite complex.

  • PRISM 4 Is Now Code Complete

    The patterns&practices team at Microsoft has released the latest version of its composite application guidance called PRISM 4 Drop 9, the library, the reference implementations and quick starts being code complete.

  • Windows Phone 7 has put the .NET Language Coevolution Promise in Doubt

    In 2009 Microsoft’s Lucas Bolognese announced a commitment to co-evolution for C# and Visual Basic. And the productization of F#, some have assumed it extends to that language as well. But by only offering C# in the initial release of WP7, this promise has been brought into doubt.

  • Advanced Scenarios for LightSwitch

    LightSwitch brings together a number of technologies including Silverlight, Managed Extensibility Framework, and WCF RIA Services. If LightSwitch becomes popular, developers who understand these technologies will have a significant advantage over those who simply wire forms together using the design surfaces.

  • Silverlight’s Role as a Web Application Technology is Debated

    Brad Becker, Director of Product Management for Developer Platforms, has written a post outlining the future of Silverlight in an HTML5 world as seen by Microsoft, considering it fit for the web. Others consider Silverlight is not actually meant for web applications but it is rather serving a niche area within web development market.