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  • Virtual Panel: Specification by Example, Executable Specifications, Scenarios and Feature Injection

    In the last couple of years terms like Specification by Example, Executable Specifications and Feature Injection have showed up quite frequently in the community, often in relation to Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) or tools like Cucumber or SpecFlow. InfoQ have talked to some of the leading experts in this domain about what these practices are and how they relate to BDD.

  • Effective Java Profiling With Open Source Tools

    In this example-driven article, Joachim Haagen Skeie walks you step by step through using open source tools like JMap, VisualVM, BTrace, and EurekaJ to get under the hood of your running Java apps to effectively diagnose performance and memory problems.

  • Discover Recording JVM Debuggers

    A debugger is a great tool for examining the internal state of an application, reproducing however a specific issue is a completely different matter. Fully replicating the production environment into a staging area might even be a feat on its own. Meet recording debuggers that remove all the guesswork and extra effort by monitoring the application in production and knowing exactly what happened.

  • Git, Gerrit Review and Jenkins or Hudson CI Servers

    Together, Gerrit and Jenkins/Hudson allow you to propose changes and have those proposals automatically compiled/tested/verified before a human review even starts. This article shows how to install and configure Gerrit and how to hook it up to Jenkins/Hudson to build all proposed changes.

  • Bridging Internal and External Software Quality with Sonar and JaCoCo

    In this article, author Olivier Gaudin discusses the differences between internal and external software quality and how to perform the software quality assessment using tools like Sonar and its new extension JaCoCo.

  • Matt Tesauro on OWASP Web Testing Environment (WTE) Project

    Web Testing Environment (WTE) project, a part of The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) organization, makes application security tools available to application developers and QA testers. InfoQ caught up with WTE project lead Matt Tesauro to learn more about the background, current state, various tools it supports and the future road map of the project.

  • JetBrains Developer Tools

    JetBrains is one of the few companies that thrives selling developer tools. In this interview you get some insight in their strategies, current and new products and future plans.

  • FlexMonkey Deep Dive

    FlexMonkey is an open source tool from Gorilla Logic for testing Flex and AIR applications.  This article provides a brief introduction to FlexMonkey and then walks through debugging issues that can be encountered when testing with it.

  • Introducing New Technology in Agile

    This article combines the case-study experience of the author and a general decision-making framework for agile teams facing the challenge of introducing a new technology, mid-stream in a project.

  • Profiling java.util.concurrent locks

    IBM’s Yao Qi, Raja Das, and Zhi Da Luo describe jucprofiler, an alphaWorks tool designed to profile multicore applications that make use of the java.util.concurrent classes introduced in Java 5.

  • Virtual Panel on Software Architecture Documentation

    Software architecture documentation is an important part of the enterprise application development process. In this virtual panel discussion, InfoQ spoke with panelists Len Bass, Grady Booch, Paulo Merson and Eoin Woods about documenting the software architectures especially in Agile software development environments.

  • Using SketchFlow to Create Better Prototypes

    All good developers use some kind of prototyping as a communication channel to customers. Simon Guest of Microsoft introduces a new technology from Microsoft, SketchFlow, and shows how it could be useful to developers as well as the primary audience of designers. The discussion covers coverage (WPF and Silverlight), functionality, workflow, prototyping, and documentation.