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  • Easier Immutable Objects in C# and VB

    A common pain point in .NET programming is the amount of boilerplate code necessary to implement immutable objects such as explicitly defined backing stores for each property. Under a new draft specification, C# and VB will be adding what they are calling a “record class” that eliminates most of the effort.

  • Big Features Pack Visual Studio "14" Preview

    The first preview of the successor to VS2013 has been released, unifying several recent projects into a single package. Nearly all technology platforms are affected, with ASP.NET, C++, and VB/C# developers all receiving large updates.

  • QuickVB: A Roslyn Based IDE in the Spirit of QuickBasic

    In honor of the 50th Anniversary of BASIC, Microsoft’s VB team created a Roslyn powered homage to QuickBasic. This IDE looks like the original, but has modern features such as code completion.

  • BASIC Turns Fifty

    The Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Set, first used on 1st May 1964, turned fifty yesterday. More widely known as BASIC, in introduced a generation to programming, kick-starting many who would then go onto a path to technology in the future. InfoQ looks back at the memorable moments as well as looking to the future.

  • C# Compiler Released As Open Source

    The destination of Microsoft's Roslyn project has been revealed: the rewrite of the C# and VB compilers has been released under an open source license by Microsoft. Not only will users benefit from the improved tooling Roslyn supports, they can also look under the hood to add features or analyze behavior.

  • Future Plans for VB

    Lucian Wischik responded to Mads Torgersen’s talk with possible language changes for Visual Basic. These are just proposals, nothing is being promised yet. And they are mostly about reducing boilerplate code and don’t offer the kind of fundamental changes we saw in VB 10 or 11.

  • Microsoft's C# and VB Compilers Now Freely Available

    MSBuild has been renamed to Microsoft Build Tools. This new package includes Microsoft's C# and Visual Basic compilers, making all 3 freely available and independent from Visual Studio or the .NET Framework.

  • Visual Studio 2013+1 Promises New C# / VB Functionality

    While Visual Studio 2013 plans to be a sizable release, one thing it will not bring is the Roslyn project's rewritten compilers for C# and Visual Basic. Mads Torgersen and Anders Hejlsberg have each shed some light on what the wait will ultimately bring.

  • EZNamespaceExtensions.Net v2013 Adds Context Menus, Thumbnail, Icons, Property Sheet Support

    EZNamespaceExtensions.Net v2013 enables you to develop Windows Explorer namespace extensions using Visual Studio with support for Multi-level sub folders, Thumbnail view, Icons, Property sheet, Infotip and much more.

  • Microsoft Open Sources Kinect for Windows Samples

    Microsoft has recently open sourced on CodePlex 22 code samples under the Apache 2.0 license. The samples which are also included in the Kinect for Windows Toolkit show how to make use of various Kinect features: Audio, Basic Interactions, Colors, Depth, Face Tracing, Infrared, Slideshow Gestures, Speech, WPF, XNA, and others.

  • How to Await Just About Anything

    Lucian Wischik is publishing a series of blog posts showing how Await can be used in a wide variety of situations ranging from awaiting an animation to complete to capturing the results of a command line program.

  • Eric Lippert Reviews C# and Speculates on its Future

    Project Roslyn. Asynchronous Programming. Language design philosophy. The always informative Eric Lippert has a quick talk about what C# has accomplished and its relationship to Visual Basic. He compares the philosophy of both and speculates on what might be in store for C# in the future.

  • Going Beyond async and await On WinRT

    The Windows Runtime introduces greater support for asynchronous programming. The await and async keywords for C# and Visual Basic are part of this support.

  • New Asynchronous Features Enhance .NET Framework 4.5

    .NET Framework 4.5 Beta not only brings the Async/Await keywords and language simplifications to C# and Visual Basic, but also adds asynchronous methods to several common I/O and data access functions. New asynchronous features are available in ASP.NET 4.5, WCF, and WPF as well.

  • A look at Visual Basic 11

    Visual Basic 11 brings with it several new features including asynchronous functions and the long awaited iterators.