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  • Rails 4.1 Improves Boot Time and Responsive Layouts

    Rails 4.1 can now preload your application to improve startup time and comes with improvements for Action Pack, Active Record, and Action Mailer.

  • DataMapper Reaches 1.0 Milestone

    DataMapper, an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for Ruby, arrived at a milestone recently reaching 1.0 status. The release, announced during RailsConf 2010, and coinciding with Dirkjan Bussink's presentation at the conference on the subject.

  • Simplify SQL Migration Scripts with SQrbL

    Managing SQL-based scripts can become a nightmare with time. Rails solved this with ActiveRecord Migration. Sam Livingston-Gray wrote a small standalone Ruby tool to generate hierarchical migration script. Based on the fact that SQL scripts can become very verbose and duplication-prone, Sam started SQrbL which is a mix of SQL and Ruby.

  • JRuby on Google App Engine Roundup: DataMapper Adapter for DataStore, Reggae

    While JRuby on Rails doesn't have ActiveRecord, DataMapper, an ORM often used with Merb, has gained a new adapter for Google App Engine's DataStore. Also: work on Reggae, automatic tooling for deploying Rack apps on GAE is under way.

  • Sequel, The Database Toolkit For Ruby

    Sequel, apart from being an alternative to ActiveRecord, offers a complete Ruby toolkit to handle database operations. InfoQ had the chance to catch up with Jeremy Evans who replaced Sharon Rosner as project leader eight months ago.

  • Databases Roundup: Data Sharding for ActiveRecord and Faster Postgres IO

    In this databases roundup we take a look at DataFabric, FiveRun's recently open sourced data sharding plug-in for ActiveRecord. Also: a look at speeding up Postgres data access using the asynchronous client API and Ruby 1.9's Fibers.

  • Presentation: Painless Persistence with Castle ActiveRecord

    This presentation by Hamilton Verissimo and Oren Eini show Castle Active Record - an ORM solution for .NET building on NHibernate. After an introduction, the presentation dives into various advanced topics and techniques for working with Castle Active Record.

  • Presentation: JRuby: Not Just Another JVM Language

    In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses the Ruby and JRuby featureset, the JRuby compiler, calling Java from JRuby and vice versa, programming Swing with JRuby, JRuby web applications, JRuby on Rails, persistence, build automation, Test-Driven Development and Behaviour-Driven Development.

  • Insights: You don't need your DSL to be English-like

    There is a widespread opinion that a good DSL has to be English-like. Dave Thomas advocates against such approach asserting that DSL are not about getting as close as possible to natural languages and that having this as a guiding principle of DSL design can be rather detrimental. He also highlights what he believes is important in DSL design and provides some examples of successful DSL.

  • Interview: Charles Nutter discusses JRuby

    JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses how he got involved with JRuby, Sun's involvement with JRuby, how JRuby fits into enterprise-level web applications, the possibility of a friendly fork of the OpenJDK source code, reasons for switching to JRuby, the future of JRuby, Spring and JRuby, and the Ruby community as a whole.

  • Preserving flexibility while using Active Record pattern

    Bob Martin believes that Active Record pattern that maps data structures to objects may be a source of confusion. Even though it appears to be an object, it actually is a data structure, vulnerable to the addition of new types. To preserve the flexibility, Bob Martin suggests separating Active Record from the application, so that the latter can be designed and structured solely around objects.

  • SubSonic Does Migrations

    Rob Conery from the SubSonic project recently introduced migrations, which allow .NET developers to create database schema using code, much like the way Ruby on Rails provides database schema management in code.

  • ORM with JRuby - ActiveHibernate

    The ActiveHibernate project brings Hibernate features to JRuby - for those tricky ORM use cases that go beyond what ActiveRecord offers. We talked to project maintainer Johan Andries.

  • JRuby 1.0 Released: Bringing Ruby Compatibility to the JVM

    JRuby 1.0 has been released. The release marks 9 months since commiters Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo were hired by Sun. The release is being termed as "Ruby compatible" with all known JRuby bugs causing incompatibilities with Matz's Ruby (MRI) resolved.

  • A Twitter in a Teapot?

    Just over a week's gone by and the community is still buzzing with the Rails scalability debate. Developers are asking the defining question: does Web 2.0 darling prove Rails can't scale? James Cox gives InfoQ readers a comprehensive summary.