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  • Eclipse Credentials Leak Affects Snapshot Builds

    Deployment credentials on the Nexus Repository Manager have leaked in GitHub. The issue received broad attention when a vulnerability report was submitted in mid-February. The credentials were encrypted, however, the master password was leaked as well. Although the master password wasn’t stored in plain text, it’s relatively easy to decode and can then be used to decrypt the other credentials.

  • JFrog to Shut down JCenter and Bintray

    JFrog has announced that it is shutting down the Bintray asset hosting service, which includes the JCenter Java repository, often used by Gradle and Android builds. Uploads to Bintray will be blocked at the end of the month, and assets will be unavailable for download after the end of April, and deleted shortly afterwards. Read on to find out what this means for your Java build pipelines.

  • Npm 7 Now Generally Available, Supports Workspaces and Deterministic Builds

    The recently released npm 7 adds several features requested by developers, e.g. support for workspaces, better support for peer-dependency management, or deterministically reproducible builds. npm 7 is a big release that includes several breaking changes aiming at improving the overall developer experience.

  • mvnd: Maven's Speed Daemon, a Conversation with Peter Palaga and Guillaume Nodet

    At almost 20 years old, Maven still remains Java's World build tool with the biggest market share (more than 60%). To adapt to today's needs of agility and shorter release cycles mvnd - Maven Daemon brings that needed speed using techniques made popular by Takari or Gradle.

  • Bazel Will Be the New Build System for the Android Open Source Project

    Google has announced that the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), which provides the foundations for all Android-labelled OSes available in the market and more derivative OSes, will transition to use Bazel as its new build tool.

  • Camille Fournier on Effectively Managing Internal Platform Teams

    Camille Fournier, managing director, head of platform engineering for Two Sigma, recently shared her learnings from managing internal platform engineering teams. Two of the key challenges she shares are the smaller size of the customer base and the challenge in understanding how your customers will use your product.

  • Microsoft Build 2020: Highlights

    Last week Microsoft held the 10th edition of Build, its annual conference aimed at developers using Microsoft technologies. The online event included multiple important announcements and releases, such as the general availability of Blazor WebAssembly, updates on the upcoming .NET 5, Azure Static Web Apps, and new projects related to IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Maven 3.7 to Include Default Wrapper

    Apache 3.7.0 will ship with a new wrapper utility, making it easier to build projects without having a pre-existing Maven installation.

  • Bazel 2.0 Released with Performance and Stability Improvements

    Bazel, the build and test tool that is based off of Google's internal build tool Blaze, recently released version 2.0. This release introduces a few flagged changes that will be incompatible with past versions as well as a number of other stability and performance improvements.

  • Sonatype Disables Unencrypted Access to Maven

    Sonatype has disabled unencrypted HTTP access to Maven Central, improving security for build systems such as Maven, Gradle, SBT, and other dependency systems.

  • Gradle 6 Brings Significant Dependency Management Improvements

    Gradle, the customizable open source build automation tool, has released version 6.0 with significant improvements to dependency management, out of the box support for javadoc and source jars, and faster incremental compilation of Java and Groovy code. In addition, the latest release 6.1.1 supports a relocatable dependency cache for speeding up ephemeral CI builds.

  • Open-Source Build and Test Tool Bazel Reaches 1.0

    Derived from Google's internal build tool Blaze, Bazel is a build and test tool that offers a human-readable definition language and is particularly aimed at large, multi-language, multi-repositories projects. Originally open-sourced in 2015, Bazel has now reached 1.0.

  • Java Community Aims to Quantify Java 9 Adoption

    The Java community, led by the London Java Community and several Java Champions, has launched an effort to quantify the adoption of Java 9 across popular open source projects.

  • DevOps Workbench Launched by ZeroStack

    Private cloud provider, ZeroStack, has announced a self-service capability from which developers can create their own workbenches. Forty developer tools from a mix of open source and commercial providers are available to users of the DevOps Workbench through Zerostack’s Intelligent Cloud Platform.

  • NuGet is Now Part of MSBuild

    After experimenting with a json-based project format, Microsoft has returned to MSBuild as the foundation for C# and VB project files. Along with that decision came the promise to implement many of the much-liked project.json features. Today we’re going to talk about one of these features, NuGet integration.