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  • Q&A on Achieving Impact through Engagement

    The book achieving impact through engagement by Si Alhir and and Peter L. Simon explores two models on employee and customer engagement: The Ownership Pyramid (TOP) and Artful Agility or Actions-Intentions-Results (AIR). Together these models can be used to achieve impact in organizations based on increasing engagement.

  • The Agility Challenge

    To be successful, a company needs to become an agile enterprise. In this article Dragan Jojic explores “the agility challenge”: A company where employees are able to sense and respond to external inputs without managers having to tell them what to do, know what they are trying to achieve, understand why, be able to decide by themselves how to best do it and genuinely care that it gets done.

  • Building Flat Organizations with Cross-functional Teams and Fewer Managers

    Hierarchical organizations can't react to new market opportunities and changes fast enough, this impedes the company’s survival in the long run. An interview with Michael Dubakov on how agile transformations impact the role of managers, how to change the culture to increase agility, how to flatten an organization using cross-functional teams, and benefits from increasing agility.

  • The Right Way to Scale Agile: Scaling Value Delivery over Process

    There is no one way to scale agile. In order to find the right way for you organizations you need to understand what you are trying to achieve and create a process that works to deliver that outcome. This article shows how organizations can help teams remain true to agility and deliver value as they scale Agile — whether from top-down or bottom-up — without following a one-size-fits-all process.

  • Peer Feedback Loops: How We May Benefit and What is Needed to Realize Their Potential

    This second article in a series on peer feedback loops explores the benefits and what is needed to realize peer feedback, an effective means to encourage a culture of continuous improvement. It focuses on the general benefits, specific techniques and provides three more methods to experiment with peer feedback.

  • Q&A on Agendashift with Mike Burrows

    Agendashift is a values-based Kanban approach to organizational transformation, covering delivery, change and leadership. An interview with Mike Burrows on how Kanban and Agendashift can strengthen each other, making changes stick in organizations, the depth of Kanban survey, the value of Kanban practices, end-to-end process views, leadership, and doing sustainable change with Kanban.

  • Q&A on Real World Kanban

    The book Real World Kanban by Mattias Skarin provides four case studies where kanban is used to visualize, provide insight and improve product development. InfoQ interviewed Skarin about the essence of kanban and lean, why flexibility in organizations is needed, doing continuous improvement, how visualization can help to understand problems, and advice on how to get started with kanban.

  • Q&A on the book Leading the Transformation

    In the book Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale executives Gary Gruver and Tommy Mouser share their experiences with applying lean and agile development methodologies in enterprise development teams.

  • Q&A on Save our Scrum

    The book Save our Scrum by Matt Heusser and Markus Gärtner provides advice for teams to implement Scrum. It explores what teams that are having difficulties doing Scrum can do to get out of trouble and find better ways to use Scrum. An interview about the knowledge level of people that are doing Scrum and "saving Scrum", pursuing business value, how Scrum fails, and adopting and tailoring Scrum.

  • Innovation at Telefónica with Lean Startup

    Creating digital products is different from building traditional telco products: the uncertainty is much higher, the way of creating value for the customer is totally different and lifecycle is much faster says Susana Jurado Apruzzese. Telefónica adapted Lean Startup to their processes, culture and organization to make it work.

  • Q&A on Scrum for Managers

    Rini van Solingen and Rob van Lanen wrote Scrum for Managers, a book providing answers for organizations that want to or are adopting Scrum. An interview on what managers can do to give teams enough space to self-organize, the possible ROI of implementing Scrum and how to measure ROI, defining teams and anchoring Scrum in the organizational structure and systems, and much more.

  • Q&A on Kanban Change Leadership

    In the book Kanban Change Leadership Klaus Leopold and Sigi Kaltenecker explore how Kanban can be deployed to get change done in organizations and to build a culture of continuous improvement. An interview on doing change in small steps, solving problems, using WIP limits, priorities and classes of service in Kanban, using the Theory of Constraints with Kanban, and getting results with Kanban.