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InfoQ Homepage Business/IT Alignment Content on InfoQ

  • Benefits of Agile Transformation at Barclays

    Increased throughput, reduced code complexity, less production incidents, shorter deployment cycles and higher happiness in teams; these are some of the benefits that the agile transformation at Barclays has delivered. Within the first year of the transformation, which is based on Disciplined Agile, more than 800 teams adopted agile making this one of the largest agile implementations.

  • Agile 2016: Agile Program Management: Measurements to See Value and Delivery

    Johanna Rothman gave a talk at Agile 2016 about measurements for agile program management. She explored the challenges around selecting what to measure, how traditional measurements don't provide the right information to make decisions from and provided examples of measurements that can be useful.

  • Software Developers Use Domain Driven Design to Drive Business

    Increasingly, software developers have the ability to not only maintain and architect code, but extend their expertise to providing direction to the business. By using domain driven design, developers can discover customer behaviors and recommend practices that change the nature of the business.

  • DevOps Days Kiel Day 1

    Summary of DevOps Days Kiel day 1 talks.

  • How Business Mapping Increases Agility at Lloyds Bank

    Tony Grout and Chris Matts spoke about the emerging areas of business mapping and skills liquidity at QCon London 2016 and how they apply them at Lloyds Bank. They showed how they deploy these techniques and explained how they combine business strategy with the abilities and aspirations of people to improve collaboration between business and technical stakeholders. InfoQ interviewed them.

  • Growing Agility

    Andrea Tomasini will give a keynote talk titled "Stop Scaling, Start Growing an Agile Organization" at the Agile Eastern Europe 2016 Conference. InfoQ interviewed him about growing agility.

  • Tomas Rybing Introduces the Shooting Target - Value Kanban Board

    This post describes the applications of the shooting target in kanban board introduced by Tomas Rybing.

  • Contracting to Enable Agile Behaviour

    InfoQ interviewed Martin Kearns about how agile contracts differ from contracts for waterfall projects, how contracts can deal with scope changes, major disturbances or delays during development, how contracts can enable agile behaviour and help all those involved to work together based on an agile mindset, and the role that lawyers can have when organizations want to use contracts with agile.

  • Adopting Agile Beyond Software

    Eduardo Nofuentes talked about agile beyond software at 1st conference in Melbourne, Australia. He explored how you can deploy the agile principles and values outside software development, and gave examples of how he has used them to increase business agility when working with call centres and other non-software teams.

  • Crafting Quality Software

    Tarcio Saraiva and Adam Crough talked about crafting quality software at the 1st Conference in Melbourne, Australia. InfoQ asked them to share their views on what software quality is, and to explain the business benefits and how it can be managed. InfoQ also asked them about the role for testing, how continuous integration supports quality, and advice for delivering high quality software products.

  • Building an Agile Organization Using Business Mapping

    Dan North gave a talk about business mapping at the Scaling Agile for the Enterprise 2016 congress in Brussels. InfoQ interviewed him about the problems that he sees from a business perspective when the IT part of an organization adopts agile, and asked him what business mapping is and how it can help organizations to increase their agility.

  • Leadership Fit for the 21st Century: Challenges in an Agile Environment

    This first post in the series on leadership fit for the 21st century covers the talk given by Hendrik Pothof from ING and Michael Bres from Axis into Management about leadership challenges in an agile environment.

  • Support for Microservices

    Fred George talked about what organizations can do to successfully deploy microservices at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. InfoQ interviewed him about business and IT interaction for microservices, what organizations can do to support teams in using microservices, benefits of microservices and what the future will bring for microservices.

  • Moving Fast at Scale

    Jez Humble talked about organizational obstacles to moving fast at scale and how to address them at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. InfoQ interviewed him about how we can focus on value, why having a shared understanding of an artifact can be very valuable, removing waste and discovering the needs of customers quickly with low costs, and how to use the concept of improvement kata.

  • Having the Right Mix of IT, Culture and Practice for DevOps

    An interview with Nicole Forsgren about why organizations are starting to embrace DevOps methods, how being able to deploy fast can also increase IT stability, what to focus upon when changing the organizational culture to improve performance, how lean management can help to increase the performance, and asked her for advice when organizations want to apply DevOps to increase their performance.