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  • Performance is a Key .NET Core Feature

    .NET Core brings along many optimizations with regards to performance, both in terms of execution speed as well as memory allocation. Examples are optimizations in collections and LINQ extension methods, text processing, networking … There are also new types and concepts, such as Span, that allow doing interesting things. In this article, we will look at how these new concepts can be used.

  • InfoQ Call for Articles

    InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.

  • Detecting and Analyzing Redundant Code

    As software development projects grow in scope, it is very easy for them to add redundant layers of code. By analyzing several large open source projects on GitHub, the author presents his findings as to the amount of redundant code each project has and shares some recommendations as to how all projects can improve their own code management.

  • Patterns and Practices in C# 7

    C# 7 is a major update with a lot of interesting new capabilities. And while there are plenty of articles on what you can do with it, there’s not quite as many on what you should do with it. Using the principles found in the .NET Framework Design Guidelines, we’re going to take a first pass at laying down strategies for getting the most from these new features.

  • Virtual Panel: What's Next for .NET?

    A lot happened in the last year in the .NET ecosystem. Putting aside the details, the bigger picture is difficult to grasp. There is movement in all aspects: cross-platform, cloud, mobile, web apps and universal apps. Developers wonder where all of this is going to lead and what will be required to get there.

  • Getting Started with ASP.Net Performance Monitoring and Optimization

    “This web page is slow” is a common and regular complaint about web sites, especially since web applications started replacing desktop applications. While the web brings some desirable characteristics such as global delivery, it also brings its share of challenges at the performance level.

  • Interview and Book Review: BDD In Action

    "BDD In Action" is a book that aims to cover the full spectrum of BDD practices from requirements through to the development of production code backed by executable specifications and automated tests.

  • F# Deep Dives Review and Author Q&A

    F# Deep Dives, edited by Tomas Petricek and Phillip Trelford, is a new book aimed at showing what is the business value that using F# brings in practice. The book presents 11 real industrial scenarios and the way F# allowed field experts to solve them using a functional-first approach. InfoQ has interviewed Tomas Petricek, co-editor of the book.

  • Oleg Shilo on CS-Script and Notepad++

    When you just want to try out some code, Visual Studio can feel like overkill. So some developers turn to lightweight editors such as Notepad++ for their scripting needs. Oleg Shilo talks about his project to add better CS-Script plugin for Notepad++.

  • Run .NET and Node.js code in-process with Edge.js

    Tomasz Janczuk has created Edge.js, which allows users to combine the power of .NET with Node.js. Curious about how to add non-blocking communication to your .NET project? Looking for a way to move computationally intensive code out of your Node thread? Janczuk's article provides a great starting point on how Edge works and the benefits it can bring to your next application.

  • From C# to Objective-C with Somya Jain

    A shift has been occurring in the business world. Many consulting companies that traditionally write line-of-business applications in .NET are now being asked to build applications for iOS. And while .NET and Java will still be viable for years to come, there are a lot of opportunities for teams that are willing to cross-train. Somya Jain explains what that entails for C# developers.

  • A Discussion With Neal Gafter on the Future of Java

    Microsoft's Neal Gafter, who was primary designer and implementer of the Java SE 4 and 5 language enhancements and now works for Microsoft on .NET platform languages, discusses the impact of Oracle's acquisition of Sun on Java,makes the case for adding segmented stacks and a meta-object protocol to Java,, and offers some insights into how Java and C#/.NET compare.