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  • Q&A on the Book Fluid

    The book Book Fluid: How Culture, Hidden Opportunities, and Flatter Structures Lead to Profitable Innovation explores how to create a culture of change in companies. Najeeb Khan shows how fluid companies can act with higher speed and experiment to innovate, and how to transform towards a flat structure that allows everyone to test and validate ideas.

  • The Cost of Fear in Organisational Change

    In this article Juncu explores the factors which cause fear of change in organisations and what it costs, how to challenge the status quo and provides advice on overcoming some of the limiting factors. She explores four common practices which feel like they reduce risk but actually exacerbate the challenges faced by organisations in the dynamic, fast moving world where adapting to change is vital

  • Q&A on the Book Improving Agile Retrospectives

    The book Improving Agile Retrospectives by Marc Loeffler provides practices and approaches for doing agile retrospectives that support continuous improvement. According to Loeffler, agile retrospectives are workshops which need to be prepared and facilitated well in order to be beneficial to teams.

  • Q&A on the Book The Age of Surge

    In the book The Age of Surge, Brad Murphy and Carol Mase explore a human-centered approach to scaling agility and transforming companies for digital. The book describes the Digital Wave Model which companies can use to disrupt organizational structures and business functions and re-create them to fit the digital landscape.

  • Robot Says "Culture" - Moving towards Teal

    Culture is something to be cultivated, something which will grow and evolve and must be cared for and nurtured. Most organizations today are stuck in an orange state of consciousness and culture. Let's explore the teal breakthroughs in self-management, evolutionary purpose and wholeness, and see how implementing teal-type working can lead to significant productivity and profitability gains.

  • Q&A on the Book It's All Upside Down

    In the book It's all Upside Down, Paul McMahon provides stories from software development teams supported by upside down principles and coaching tips for applying them. He explains how you can use Essence to improve processes leading to better organizational performance.

  • Q&A on the Book Agendashift Part I

    In the book Agendashift, Mike Burrows describes an inclusive, non-prescriptive, values-based, and outcome-centric approach to continuous transformation. He explores several lean and agile techniques that can be used in workshops and coaching to do lasting change.

  • Q&A with Shawn Callahan on Putting Stories to Work

    The book Putting Stories to Work by Shawn Callahan provides a process with a practical approach to master business storytelling; a leadership skill that helps to achieve results. It contains many stories that can help you to use storytelling for business communication and culture change.

  • Q&A with Dave Snowden on Leadership and Using Cynefin for Capturing Requirements

    Dave Snowden gave a talk titled "Context is Everything" at the Scaling Agile for the Enterprise 2016 congress in Brussels, Belgium. InfoQ interviewed him about applying leadership models, the Cynefin model and how it can be used for capturing requirements, scaling agile, and sustainable change.

  • Q&A on the Lean IT Field Guide

    In the book The Lean IT Field Guide Mike Orzen and Tom Paider explain how to initiate, execute, and sustain a Lean IT transformation. InfoQ interviewed them about how lean can be seen as a learning system, why managers should have both technical and social skills, how to assure that changes will sustain, and establishing a culture of engineering excellence and craftsmanship.

  • Q&A on Exploring the Practice of Antifragility

    In the book exploring the practice of antifragility Si Alhir and Donald E. Gould collected experiences with and perspectives on applying antifragility. InfoQ interviewed them about their view on applying antifragility in software development, how antifragility can help organizations to become more flexible and able to deal with change, and the results gained from applying antifragility.

  • Building Flat Organizations with Cross-functional Teams and Fewer Managers

    Hierarchical organizations can't react to new market opportunities and changes fast enough, this impedes the company’s survival in the long run. An interview with Michael Dubakov on how agile transformations impact the role of managers, how to change the culture to increase agility, how to flatten an organization using cross-functional teams, and benefits from increasing agility.