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  • Scalable System Design Patterns

    Ricky Ho revisited his three year old post on that question and realized that a lot had changed since then.

  • Ari Zilka on Ehcache BigMemory

    Ehcache BigMemory supports in-process off-heap cache to store large sets of data closer to the application. Terracotta last week announced the general availability of BigMemory module for Enterprise Ehcache product. InfoQ spoke with Ari Zilka about BigMemory features and its use cases.

  • Membase Server publicly available from Membase Inc.

    Enterprise and Community Edition of Membase Server are publicly available from today from Membase Inc. (formerly NorthScale Inc.) the provider of the widely used Memcached Caching infrastructure.

  • Microsoft Has Released Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 Suite

    Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 Suite is the latest HPC solution from Microsoft in the technical computing initiative called Modeling the World. Some of the new features include: workstations clusters, accessing the cloud, using SOA, services for Excel, and GPU support.

  • Terracotta's BigMemory Aiming to Eliminate Garbage Collection for Java Caches

    Terracotta's BigMemory for Enterprise Ehcache product aims to by-pass Garbage Collection for objects held in the cache. InfoQ spoke to Amit Pandey, Chief Executive Officer at Terracotta, to find out more about the product.

  • Four NoSQL Add-ons available for Heroku Users

    The first four NoSQL datastores are available as Add-ons for the Heroku PaaS (platform-as-a-service) platform. Using the Add-on system that was introduced in October 2009, CouchDB from Cloudant, Membase from NorthScale, MongoDB from MongoHQ and Redis were made available for Heroku users.

  • Ehcache 2.2 Supports Terabyte Cache and LDAP Authentication

    The latest version of open source caching framework Ehcache supports terabyte cache and JAAS authentication with LDAP integration. Terracotta announced last week the general availability of Ehcache 2.2 version as part of Terracotta 3.3 release. The new version also includes a management console that provides visibility and control of run-time caching environment, for developers and operators.

  • BigPipe at Facebook: Optimizing Page Load Time

    Changhao Jiang, Research Scientist at Facebook, describes a technique, called BigPipe, that contributed to making the Facebook site, "twice as fast." BigPipe is one of several innovations, a "secret weapon," used to achieve the reported performance gains. Another innovation mentioned is architectural in nature, the structuring of Web pages as "pagelets."

  • Membase, a new and heavyweight NoSQL family member

    NorthScale solutions announced the availability of the open source NoSQL database Membase which was developed by core members of the Memcached team with contributions from Zynga and NHN. It is a protocol compatible persistent drop in for Memcached the widely used caching solution

  • 7 Lessons Learned at Reddit

    Steve Huffman, co-founder of Reddit, shares the main lessons he learned scaling Reddit from a small web application to a large social website.

  • Extensible Caching Added to .NET 4.0

    Microsoft’s Patterns and Practices caching framework has been promoted to a part of the core .NET Framework. This framework provides a basic in-memory cache with trigger-based cache invalidation and a common wrapper for more advanced caching frameworks to share.

  • Ehcache 2.0: Write-Behind Caching and JTA Support

    The latest version of open source caching framework Ehcache supports write-behind caching and transaction management using Java Transaction API (JTA). It also includes a Hibernate 3.3 caching plugin, Bulk Loading API for clustered caches, and runtime cache reconfiguration.

  • SpringSource Turns Its Focus to Distributed Data Caching with GemStone Acquisition

    Today VMware announced the acquisition of GemStone Systems, Inc. GemStone will operate under VMware's Springsource division. Among Gemstone's products is the distributed Java caching GemFire. InfoQ sat down with SpringSource's Rod Johnson and Gemstone's Richard Lamb to discuss their plans going forward.

  • GigaSpaces XAP 7.1 EA: Elastic Middleware, Data Querying and Spring 3.x

    GigaSpaces XAP is a distributed application server with an in-memory data grid. The XAP 7.1 release includes a number of themes: an Elastic Middleware Service, enhanced virtualization compatibility, data querying, an updated web-based management application, embedded Spring 3.0, and performance improvements. InfoQ explored this EA release to learn more.

  • Scaling Out the Most Popular Social Game, FarmVille

    With 83.75 million monthly active users, FarmVille is the most popular game on Facebook and one of the most popular web-based games on the Internet. To scale out, the application is deployed inside the cloud, uses cache extensively, has the ability to turn off some of the functionality during peak times and makes use of performance monitoring and managing.