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InfoQ Homepage Coaching and Mentoring Content on InfoQ

  • Managing the Expectations from Agile

    InfoQ did an interview with Gil Zilberfeld about managing the expectations that organizations have of agile and how to prevent misconceptions, valuable ideas and practices from agile and what the future will bring for agile.

  • Establishing Self-Organized Agile Teams

    Agile suggest teams to self-organize their work. The questions arise what self-organization is and what organization can do to make it possible for teams to become self-organizing.

  • Q&A with Scott Ambler on the Disciplined Agile Enterprise

    “An agile enterprise is able to anticipate and respond swiftly to changes in the marketplace” says Scott Ambler. InfQ interviewed Scott about the reasons why agile projects are failing, how to increase budgets for building new systems, disciplined DevOps, harmonizing agile and lean, and on coaching for enterprise agility.

  • Technical Leadership for Agile Teams

    When developers are promoted into a position leading the team, a different skillset is needed. InfoQ interviewed Patrick Kua, author of the book, Talking with Tech Leads, about the need for technical leaders, differences between the Scrum master and Tech Lead roles, leadership skills and what technical leaders can do to support people in developing their skills and abilities.

  • Improve your Programming Skills with helps developers to increases their craftsmanship in a language through feedback and discussion. It’s a community and tool where developers can write code and discuss it to strengthen their problem-solving skills. InfoQ did an interview with the creator of exercism Katrina Owen and with Richard Thomson who contributed the C++ language track for exercism.

  • Dealing with Negative Emotions in Teams

    When people work together in agile teams, emotions are bound to happen. Where positive emotions can give a boost to team working, negative emotions can have significant impact on collaboration in teams and affect their productivity. Noel Radley published a report on how team mood can impact project management. InfoQ asked her why negative emotions happen and how agile teams can deal with them.

  • Q&A with Gerald Weinberg on The Influence of Individual Moods on Team Working

    InfoQ is researching the factors that influence the mood of teams. As team mood is an aggregation of the individual moods of team members, understanding the individual mood and how it influences team working can help to learn more about team moods. InfoQ interviewed Gerald Weinberg about individual and team mood, influencing the mood of individuals and discussing moods in teams.

  • How Spiral Dynamics Can Help To Become More Agile

    To become agile you might need to change the core values and beliefs of an organization. Applying value systems from spiral dynamics can help organizations to go from doing agile to being agile as Dajo Breddels showed in the path to agility at the XP Days Benelux 2014 conference.

  • Recruit to Catch the Good Ones

    How can you recruit good people and help them becoming successful without challenging your established workforce too much? According to Ralph van Roosmalen and Daan van Osch finding the right people will be one of the biggest problems in IT. At the XP Days Benelux 2014 conference Ralph and Daan will give a presentation in which they share experiences from IT recruiting at RES Software.

  • Lean Thinking Applied for Organizational Change

    In lean, we co-design and continuously improve processes and tools to better serve individuals and interactions said Claudio Perrone. Lean views problems as a gap between the current situation and the standard and expectation. Am interview with Claudio about problem solving and learning, and on tools that can be used to apply lean thinking for change in organizations.

  • Case Study of Agile and HR Collaboration

    Jas Chong talked about HR in Agile and Agile in HR at the Agile Tour Brussels 2014 conference. She presented a case study where she worked as change manager together with an agile coach to introduce agile and lean practices in the organization, and worked closely with HR to realize these changes from the HR and organisation front.

  • Intrinsic Agile Coaching with Storytelling

    Teams can share their experiences with other teams and coaches through storytelling. Agile coaches can facilitate a process of sharing experiences to empower teams and help them becoming self-organized said Patrick Steyaert and Wim Bollen. They showed a technique based upon archetype construction to draw learning’s from team stories which teams can use to design and travel their own agile journey.

  • The Importance of Technical Practices in Agile

    Sometimes organizations that are adopting agile complain that they didn't get the benefits that they expected to get out of it. One of the possible reasons could be that insufficient attention has been given to performing the technical practices that support the agile values and principles.

  • Do We Need Prescriptive Agile Coaching?

    Agile coaches often use a “hands-off” descriptive approach when coaching teams. The question is if such a coaching approach is always the best solution when teams are adopting agile? Would there be situations where prescriptive “hands-on” coaching could be more effective? How could you do it?

  • An Update on Agile Coach Camps Internationally

    Worldwide Agile Coach Camps continue to allow coaching practitioners to share knowledge and experience with a view to improving outcomes for agile teams across many countries and industries. This post lists upcoming Coach Camps, looks at how and why they work and discusses their impact with participants.