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  • Microservices Imply a Distributed System

    Moving towards microservices means moving towards distributed systems where you have to deal with latency, authorization and authentication, and messages that do not arrive, argues Sander Hoogendoorn. With microservices you can break down large systems into smaller components to regain control over the architecture.

  • DevOps Enterprise Adoption at ITV with Tom Clark

    Tom Clark, head of common platform at ITV, talked at the past DevOps Enterprise Summit 2016 in London on how their cloud platform has served as a medium for spreading DevOps practices and way of working across the entire organization, as well as how to grow a team of "smart and kind" engineers around it. In this Q&A Clark talks about ITV's DevOps journey, challenges faced and the road ahead.

  • 11th Annual State of Agile Survey is Open

    The 11th annual state of agile survey is open through October 7, 2016. The survey explores the worldwide adoption of agile.

  • DevOps Gov Adoption at HMRC Digital

    The UK's Revenue and Customs agency applied DevOps and Continuous Delivery principles to move from a bureaucratic culture to frequent delivery of digital tax services, learning and adapting from incremental successes and the occasional failures. InfoQ reached out to Lyndsay Prewer to dig deeper into how this journey started, where the agency is at today, and what the main challenges have been.

  • Certified Agile Leadership Program Announced

    The Certified Agile Leadership program aims to increase the effectiveness of leaders by providing a learning framework for developing agile leadership competencies. An interview with Pete Behrens about the importance of leadership, changing how leaders lead and the leadership culture, leadership for self-organizing teams, and what organizations can do to develop agile leadership competencies.

  • Blending Agility and DevOps with Local Cultures at Barclays

    Jonathan Smart, head of development services at Barclays, described how the bank's DevOps journey requires blending with local cultures (as in local to a given business are or to a geography) to succeed. Principles need to be shared, but practices need to emerge (with guidance where required) by applying those principles to the local context.

  • How to Study and Apply Ideas from Successful Organisations

    Studying successful organisations can inspire you and provide ideas to improve your own organisation. Helena Moore explains how reading case studies about high performance leadership and culture from organisations like Netflix, Zappos, and Virgin, and visiting organisations like Timpson has helped to understand what makes these organisations successful and to find ways to apply them.

  • Becoming a Responsive Enterprise

    Software-driven companies are taking over the world because they are responsive organizations, built on 'sense and respond' instead of 'plan and predict'. In the next decade every large scale organization will be digitized and will effectively become a software-driven enterprise. Vikram Kapoor, CEO at Prowareness, explored how organizations can increase their responsiveness.

  • Tackling the Lack of Women in Technology

    There have been a number of articles written recently that explore the under-representation of women in technology fields and highlight some of the groups working to overcome the lack and help the technology industry become more relevant and attractive to women.

  • How GlobalLogic Used a Bottom-up Approach to Become More Agile

    Yuriy Koziy, delivery manager at GlobalLogic, argued at the Agile Eastern Europe 2016 conference that organizational change should start at the team level rather than in senior management. He formed a group of like-minded engineering managers and agile coaches who act as change agents, transforming the organization bottom-up from the inside.

  • DevOps Days Kiel Day 1

    Summary of DevOps Days Kiel day 1 talks.

  • Do You and Your Company Have the Skills Needed for DevOps?

    In order to implement DevOps, individuals and organizations must prepare for the culture shift, new tools, and automation. This consensus has evolved during years of debate concerning what exactly DevOps means and how to use it. There are many voices in the discussion, and even with some areas of consensus, many points are far from agreement.

  • AutoScout24’s Journey to Microservices: Christian Deger on Transformation, Principles and Technology

    At the Dublin Microservices User Group, Christian Deger presented “Highway to Heaven”, the AutoScout24 journey from deploying code into a monolithic application using a traditional IT development process, to utilising a microservice architecture with cross-functional teams. This technical and organisation transformation enabled the business to react more rapidly to changing market conditions.

  • Research Insights: No Silver Bullets for DevOps Culture

    InfoQ ran a DevOps research question during Q4 of 2015, to find out which practices contribute the most to a healthy DevOps culture. The results show there are no predominant practices as DevOps initiatives are highly contextual.

  • Making People Feel Empowered with Intent-based Leadership

    Intent-based leadership is about giving control and decision-making power to people who have the information. When we give control to people who have the competence and clarity, we create an environment where great things happen. An interview with Jenni Jepsen about intent-based leadership, giving influence and control to people, and creating an environment where people can feel empowered.