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InfoQ Homepage Debugging Content on InfoQ

  • New Features in Chrome 88 Devtools

    The recent release of Chrome 88 includes significant updates to the Chrome DevTools that include improved network debugging, experimental CSS Flexbox debugging tools, improved frame details view, new WASM debug capabilities, and general performance improvements.

  • New Chrome Extension to Debug Compiled Wasm Code Stepping through C++ Source Files

    Google recently presented the progress made by the Chrome DevTools teams to improve the developer experience of debugging WebAssembly files. A new extension (in beta) allows developers to debug C and C++ apps compiled to WebAssembly by stepping through the original source code.

  • Applying a Zero-Bug Policy at Redgate

    A zero-bug policy is a simple yet effective bug management system that can help you avoid being buried deep in months or sometimes even years-old bugs. Any bugs you agree are serious enough for you to fix, you fix right away, and any other bug will not be fixed and closed. Tom Walsh spoke about how Redgate Software applied the zero-bug policy at Lean Agile Exchange 2020.

  • New LiveRecorder for Java Enables Software Failure Replay

    LiveRecorder for Java is a newly released application for software failure replay. It enables developers to record application failures and then replay them in IntelliJ to find the cause of the failure. It helps to reduce the debugging time, especially with intermittent failures.

  • AWS Announces General Availability of Amazon CodeGuru

    Recently, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon CodeGuru, a developer tool powered by machine learning. It provides intelligent recommendations for improving code quality and identifying an application's most expensive lines of code.

  • WebAssembly Extended with Hot Reloading, Remote Debugging and Uniform Hardware Access

    Researchers recently presented WARDuino, an extension to WebAssembly targeting microcontrollers. WARDuino addresses common development pain points by adding live code updates, remote debugging, and access to the microcontroller’s hardware modules. WARDuino’s virtual machine runs five times faster than Espruino (a popular JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers) on some benchmarks.

  • OverOps for .NET: Tal Weiss Q&A

    In January, OverOps announced that it is expanding its support to the .NET ecosystem. OverOps is a continuous reliability platform that allows developers to analyze and optimize code at runtime. InfoQ interviewed Tal Weiss, co-founder, CEO, and CTO at OverOps, about how engineers can benefit from using OverOps and the future of automating the production debugging process for .NET.

  • Chrome 83 DevTools Emulates Vision Deficiencies and Locales

    The forthcoming Chrome 83 release includes significant updates to DevTools, including emulation of vision deficiencies and user locales, cross-origin opener policy (COOP) debugging, and cross-origin embedder policy (COEP) debugging, and network request filtering for cookie paths.

  • CircleCI Releases API Version 2 with Improved Insights Endpoints

    CircleCI has improved the stability of their insights endpoints in the version 2 release of their API. The insights endpoints allow for tracking the status of jobs and workflows, monitoring the duration of jobs, and investigating opportunities for optimizing resource consumption.

  • How to Debug Your Team: QCon London Q&A

    Lisa van Gelder spoke about debugging your team at QCon London 2020, where she presented her toolkit for how to diagnose and address issues with a team’s pace of delivery. “It is all about ensuring they have mastery, autonomy, purpose and psychological safety”, she said. She uses that toolkit to introduce change to teams in a way that gets the buy-in from the team.

  • Live Recorder: Debugging C++, Rust, and Go with Capture and Replay of Nondeterministic Data

    Early in the year the Undo team released Live Recorder 5, a “software flight recorder technology” for C, C++ and Go applications that enables the capture of all non-deterministic data within an application’s execution for debugging purposes. The resulting recording supports the replay of events in time, backwards and forwards, when looking for and fixing bugs.

  • WebAssembly Source Code Can Now Be Debugged Outside the Browser with GDB and LLDB

    Mozilla recently demonstrated debugging of WebAssembly binaries outside the browser, using standard debuggers like GDB and LLDB. Debugging WebAssembly code in the same execution environment that is used in production allows developers to catch and diagnose bugs that may not arise in a native build of the same code.

  • Octant: Local and Real-Time Dashboard for Kubernetes Workloads

    VMware has open-sourced Octant, a tool to help developers understand how their applications are running in a Kubernetes cluster. Developers can graphically visualize Kubernetes objects dependencies, forward local ports to a running pod, inspect pod logs, and navigate through different clusters. Moreover, users can extend Octant’s capabilities by installing or authoring a plugin.

  • Observability in Testing with ElasTest

    In a distributed application it is difficult to use debugging techniques common in developing non-distributed applications. Bringing production observability to your testing environment helps to find bugs, argued Francisco Gortázar at the European Testing Conference 2019. He presented ElasTest, a tool for developers to test and validate complex distributed systems using observability.

  • Debugging Microservices Running in Containers: Tooling Review at KubeCon NA

    At KubeCon NA held in Seattle in December 2018, several tools for debugging containerised microservices were presented throughout the conference sessions and the sponsored booths demonstrations. A notable separation appears to be occurring within the market, between "active" and "passive" debugging tools. Two examples within these categories are Rookout and Squash, respectively.